Inhofe Praises Oklahoma Provisions in Senate Passage of Water Resources Development Act of 2022

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Inhofe

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, praised the Senate passage of H.R.7776, as amended, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2022 and provisions in the legislation that will bring benefits to Oklahomans far into the future. The measure passed by a vote of 92-2.

“I have always said there are two things we should be doing in Congress: defending our military and rebuilding our infrastructure—which includes our water infrastructure,” Inhofe said. “With the Senate passage of the Water Resources Development Act of 2022, we have proven that we can get things done around here that will benefit Oklahoma and foster economic growth perpetually for our nation.

“I am glad to say we were able to secure a provision in this year’s water resources bill to secure the future of Bartlesville’s water supply to more than 50,000 people and another to bring major economic development opportunities to the Tulsa Ports and the entire northeastern region of Oklahoma. Additionally, this bill includes provisions to facilitate and speed up the deepening of the MKARNS to a 12-foot channel – increasing freight capacity by 40 percent. This bill also prioritizes completion of the modernization of the Tulsa and West-Tulsa Levees System—a priority of mine for a long time now—and clarifies the Corps’ commitment to the Arkansas River Corridor Project.”

Copan and Bartlesville Water Supply Contracts

In 2016, Bartlesville learned purchasing additional water supply from Hulah and Copan lakes could cost over $100 million over 10 years based on the current pricing structure for purchasing water from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ lakes. Sen. Inhofe secured a provision in the 2018 America’s Water Infrastructure Act that would make it affordable for municipalities, like Bartlesville, to contract with the Corps for water supply. This new provision continues to secure the future of Bartlesville’s water supply to the city’s more than 50,000 people in its tri-county area. It would release the City of Copan from approximately 4,700 acre-feet of water and allow the City of Bartlesville to purchase this water supply at a reduced price, saving the city nearly $10 million.

Land Transfer at Inola, Okla., for Tulsa Ports

In 2019, Tulsa Ports acquired over 2,200 acres in Rogers County to develop into one of the nation’s largest industrial parks and inland waterway ports. Inhofe’s provision would convey waterfront land owned by the Corps to the Tulsa Ports at the Inola site to enhance fleeting and docking opportunities. This would pave the way for major economic development opportunities for Tulsa Ports and the entire northeastern region of Oklahoma.

Prioritizing the Tulsa and West-Tulsa Levees System

This provision prioritizes completing the modernization of the Tulsa and West-Tulsa Levees System. This project was authorized in the 2020 Water Infrastructure Act and was fully funded on January 19, 2022. Expected construction completion will be in 2026.

Prioritizing the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS)

Inland Waterways Dredge Pilot Program—This provision would facilitate the deepening of the MKARNS to a 12-foot channel by establishing a demonstration program to combine construction with operations and maintenance work for dredging projects on the inland waterways. Sen. Inhofe has recently urged the Corps to prioritize and commit funding for MKARNS deepening.

Inland Waterways Trust Fund Cost Share Change—This provision would speed up construction of the MKARNS 12-foot deepening by increasing the Federal cost-share for projects on the inland waterways to 75 percent. Doing so would direct more Federal funds to inland waterway navigation projects.

Arkansas River Corridor Project

This provision would clarify the Corps’ cost-share for participating in the Arkansas River Corridor project, which Inhofe authorized in 2007. This is an ecosystem restoration, recreation and flood damage reduction project which would mitigate extreme flow variability resulting from the operations of Keystone Dam. The project would provide ‘water in the river’ during low flow conditions and between hydropower generation periods when Keystone Dam releases are off.

Mitigation Banking Permits

This provision would authorize the Corps to expedite the permits for a mitigation bank from a non-Federal entities, such as a public port authority, as long as the non-Federal entity uses the revenues for a public purpose.

Enhanced Development at Corps Lakes in Oklahoma

This provision urges the Corps to consider the economic benefits of development and recreation activities at rural lakes in Oklahoma.

A number of stakeholders voiced support for the Water Resources Development Act of 2022:

“Oklahoma greatly appreciates Senator Inhofe’s leadership and vision to provide for the future of MKARNS, Oklahoma’s Inland Waterway in WRDA 2022,” said Tim Gatz, Secretary of Transportation for Oklahoma and Executive Director of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. “The Senator’s unwavering and long standing support for Oklahoma’s navigation system and all of our multimodal transportation network continues to bring exciting opportunities for both existing and new businesses and is vital to our continued economic growth.”

“Senator Inhofe continues to be a tireless champion of the need for and importance of investment in our nation’s water infrastructure.” said Rich Brierre, Executive Director of INCOG. “The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 sets the framework for project funding and implementation for critical projects in Oklahoma and throughout the nation. Of particular importance to the Tulsa Region is expediting completion of the Tulsa and West Tulsa Arkansas River Levee System project, increased funding authorization for the Arkansas River Corridor project and provisions to accelerate completion of the deepening of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System. Once again, Senator Inhofe’s leadership, focus and persistence in this effort is to be commended.”

“Funding for pre-engineering and design has been fast tracked for the Tulsa and West-Tulsa Levee System to the relief of our region,” said Karen Keith, District 2 Tulsa County Commissioner. “These levees protect industry lining the Arkansas river from Sand Springs to Tulsa as well as hundreds of families. I am excited to begin to rebuild the levee system as soon as possible. Sen. Inhofe and his staff are continually engaged and without their work to secure this funding, none of this would have been possible. I am so grateful.”

“Oklahomans and our neighboring states benefit from the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, which enables public and private ports in both states to provide low cost and dependable waterborne freight transportation options to our region,” said David Yarbrough, Port Director of the Tulsa Ports. “Now, more than ever, The Tulsa Port of Catoosa, with its capabilities in moving fertilizer and grain between heartland-located farmers and the world markets, is vital to our Nation’s economy. The Tulsa Port Authority is grateful for our elected officials who work on behalf of Oklahoma and the MKARNS, especially Senator Inhofe for his leadership on this WRDA legislation that enhances the Oklahoma Maritime industry.”

“On behalf of the City of Bartlesville, I would like to sincerely thank Sen. Inhofe for his tremendous work and leadership in securing language in the ‘Water Resources Development Act of 2022′ that will help ensure needed and affordable water supply for Bartlesville and its surrounding communities,” said Dale Copeland, Mayor of Bartlesville. “This language is vital to the over 50,000 people in the region who depend on access to reliable water storage in order to keep up with regional growth and to foster economic development.”