English/Español: Rubio Calls on U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism to Demand Investigation into Argentina’s Deadly AMIA Terrorist Attack

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Twenty-eight years ago, Iranian and Hezbollah terrorists bombed the Argentine-Israelite Mutual Assocation (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killing 85 people and wounding 300. To this day, the attackers have not been brought to justice.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote to United States’ Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Deborah Lipstadt, ahead of her trip to Argentina and urged her to demand an investigation into the death of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was murdered before presenting his case on the attack, as well as investigate the Fernández de Kirchner Administration’s potential involvement in his death.

  • “Alberto Nisman led the charge in discovering Iran and Hezbollah’s role in the attacks, as well as evidence that then Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her government conspired to cover up Iranian involvement in the bombings. However, the day before he was scheduled to present his findings to the Argentine Congress, Nisman was found murdered… Despite repeated attempts to find justice for Alberto Nisman, no suspects have been charged.”

  • “Rather than answering for her role in discrediting Nisman’s important work and her alleged role in his death, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is the current Vice President of Argentina. Fernández’ continued role in Argentina’s government is an affront to justice and signals that antisemitic attacks can be carried out with impunity.”

The full text of the letter is below.

Dear Ambassador Lipstadt: 

Congratulations on your appointment to serve as the United States’ Special Envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism. I am pleased that you have chosen to travel to Latin America, a region that the Biden Administration must prioritize, as your first official trip. In particular, your upcoming trip to Argentina, which holds the largest Jewish community in our region, will occur amid the 28th anniversary of the 1994 terrorist bombing of the Argentine-Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building. During your trip, I urge you to meet with Argentine officials and demand a transparent and complete investigation into the death of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who dedicated his life to fighting for justice and accountability for the fallen victims of the AMIA attack. 

The AMIA bombing, which killed 85 people and wounded 300 more, remains the single, deadliest attack in Argentine history. Numerous Argentines have worked diligently to identify the culprits of this vile attack and bring them to justice. Among these, Alberto Nisman led the charge in discovering Iran and Hezbollah’s role in the attacks, as well as evidence that then Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her government conspired to cover up Iranian involvement in the bombings. However, the day before he was scheduled to present his findings to the Argentine Congress, Nisman was found murdered in his apartment on January 18, 2015. Despite repeated attempts to find justice for Alberto Nisman, no suspects have been charged.

Rather than answering for her role in discrediting Nisman’s important work and her alleged role in his death, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is the current Vice President of Argentina. Fernández’ continued role in Argentina’s government is an affront to justice and signals that antisemitic attacks can be carried out with impunity. When you testified before the Senate, you agreed that antisemitism is an ancient poison that must be rooted out, without regard to partisanship or political affiliation. The families of the AMIA terrorist attack and Alberto Nisman deserve no less than full accountability of Fernández’ potential role in obstructing justice. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


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Hace veintiocho años, terroristas iraníes e integrantes de Hezbolá bombardearon el edificio de la Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) en Buenos Aires, Argentina, donde fallecieron 85 personas y hubo 300 heridos. Hasta el día de hoy, los atacantes no han pagado por sus crímenes.

El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) le envio una misiva a la enviada especial de EE.UU. para el monitoreo y combate del antisemitismo, Deborah Lipstadt, antes de su viaje a Argentina y la instó a exigir una investigación sobre la muerte del fiscal argentino Alberto Nisman, quien fue asesinado antes de presentar su caso sobre el ataque a la AMIA, así como investigar la posible participación de la Administración Fernández de Kirchner en la muerte de Nisman.

  • “Alberto Nisman encabezó la tarea de descubrir el rol de Irán y Hezbolá en el ataque a la AMIA, así como la evidencia que la entonces presidenta argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner y su gobierno conspiraron para encubrir la participación iraní en los atentados. Sin embargo, el día antes de la fecha prevista para presentar sus hallazgos ante el Congreso argentino, Nisman fue asesinado… A pesar de los repetidos intentos en busca de justicia para Alberto Nisman, no se han presentado cargos contra ningún sospechoso”.

  • “En vez de responder a su rol en el descrédito del importante trabajo de Nisman y su supuesto papel en su muerte, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner es la actual Vicepresidenta de Argentina. El continuo rol de Fernández en el gobierno de Argentina es una afrenta a la justicia y señala que los ataques antisemitas pueden llevarse a cabo con impunidad”. 

Lea el texto completo de la carta en inglés aquí.

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