Leaders, Organizations & Stakeholders Applaud Peters for Leading Historic Law to Stabilize USPS and Promote Long-Term Sustainable Service

Source: United States Senator for Michigan Gary Peters


DETROIT, MI – Officials representing key organizations and stakeholders in Michigan and across the country are applauding U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, for leading historic, bipartisan reforms to set the United States Postal Service on a more sustainable financial footing and support the goal of providing long-term reliable service across the country. The Postal Service Reform Act, which was signed into law in April, made the first major reforms to the Postal Service in more than 15 years.

Below are statements in support of Peters’ work to lead passage of this law, which will ensure the Postal Service can continue to connect Michiganders and all Americans for years to come:

“On behalf of the over 2,000 clerks, drivers and mechanics represented by the 480-481 Area Local of the American Postal Workers Union we thank Senator Peters,” said Roscoe Woods, President of the Michigan Postal Workers Union. “This new law will bring the Postal Service into the future and ensure that every Michigander can continue to rely on its nearly 250 year tradition of delivering for them!”

“The Postal Service Reform Act brings long-overdue changes to the Postal Service,” said Ron Beiber, President of the Michigan AFL-CIO. “We commend Senator Peters for working to protect the retirement benefits of our dedicated postal workforce and provide them with the tools to deliver to communities for generations to come.” 

“Chairman Peters has been a constant source of support for the Mail Handlers, and his dedication is seen in the Postal Service Reform Act,” said James Haggerty, President of the Michigan Postal Mail Handlers Union. “Because of his work, Mail Handlers, not just in Michigan but across the country, will see the first steps towards financial stability for the Postal Service.”

“The Michigan Rural Letter Carriers’ Association fully supported the passage of the Postal Service Reform Act. This was a bipartisan compromise bill that now has become law and will keep the United States Postal Service viable into the 21st Century,” said Doug Bartlett, President of the Michigan Rural Letter Carriers’ Association. “The law includes many provisions that Michigan rural letter carriers have advocated for, for years during our visits to Capitol Hill. The Postal Service Reform Act repeals the onerous prefunding mandate, and codifies into law six-day mail delivery. We thank Senator Gary Peters for not only sponsoring this important legislation, but for his non-stop efforts to get this bill across the finish line.”

“Many Michigan entrepreneurs depend on the crucial service of the United States Postal Service (USPS) to fulfill their e-commerce business,” said J.D. Collins, CEO of the Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC). “The MI-SBDC recognizes the need for shipping options, and the increased demand for reliable carriers. Thank you Senator Peters and the bipartisan team leading this effort to ensure the Postal Service can continue serving small business owners and their employees for years to come.”

“The newspapers of Michigan are grateful to Senator Peters for leading these historic reforms that will improve service and efficiency at the Postal Service, undo unfair financial policies, and support our hardworking and dedicated postal workers – as well as the people who count on them to deliver,” said Lisa McGraw, Public Affairs Manager at the Michigan Press Association. 

“We applaud Senator Peters for passing the postal reform bill to ensure that the USPS remains viable and can continue delivering prescription drugs, financial documents, and other essential supplies to military families across Michigan,” said Jim Sigmon, President of the Michigan Commanders Group. “Anything that helps veterans, servicemembers and their families access their disability, pension or needs through the VA – especially veterans – is appreciated and welcomed as it helps continue to support those who have served our country.”

“As a longtime postal worker, I am beyond thankful for Senator Peters’ work to pass this commonsense and long-overdue law,” said Amy Puhalski, Western Michigan Area Local President of the American Postal Workers Union. “Day-in and day-out, postal workers put in the time and effort necessary to reach every address across the nation. Senator Peters’ law will protect their retirement benefits and ensure our communities can continue to rely on the Postal Service in the long run.”

“The older adults we serve in our region rely on the U.S. Postal Service for daily deliveries of mail, prescriptions, and other essentials. More than 40% of the Metro Detroit area seniors are impacted by the digital divide in our region, making access to a reliable U.S. Postal Service crucial to their day-to-day lives,” said Ronald Taylor, President and CEO of the Detroit Area Agency on Aging. “I appreciate Senator Peters’ leadership to help protect this important public service for Michiganders.”

“Ensuring that our residents continue to have access to reliable mail delivery is critical for every Michigander. Senator Peters knows this and has worked tremendously hard to pass legislation to secure the future of the U.S. Postal Service,” said Lansing Mayor Andy Schor. “I appreciate the work that Senator Peters has done on this and his dedication to making sure people across Michigan, and the United States, continue to have reliable access to our postal system.”  

“The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce applauds Senator Peters for leading on this issue that will ensure small businesses and their employees across Michigan can continue to rely on the Postal Service to deliver products to customers, receive financial documents, and more,” said Steve Japinga, Senior Vice President of the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce.

“The Postal Service is a vital part of the Flint community and helps our residents get essential items like prescription drugs,” said Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley. “I’m grateful to Senator Peters for leading this bipartisan effort to revitalize the Postal Service and ensure it has the support it needs to operate and serve our citizens for years to come.”

“The U.S. Postal Service is a critical resource that almost all Genesee County residents utilize regularly. Yet, these services have been historically underfunded, outdated, and strained by political red tape. I am grateful for Senator Gary Peters’ work in passing this legislation that will provide critical support to our Postal Service and ensure that they maintain a high standard of excellence for generations to come,” said Domonique Clemons, Chairperson of the Genesee County Board of Commissioners. 

“Businesses in Saginaw rely on the Postal Service to operate, whether that’s receiving deliveries or sending products to customers,” said Veronica Horn, President and CEO of the Saginaw Chamber of Commerce. “We applaud Senator Peters for his tireless efforts to ensure that small businesses can continue to utilize the Postal Service to grow their business and create jobs.” 

“The Midland Business Alliance works to help industry and businesses prosper. The Postal Service is an essential, daily tool for many of our businesses,” said Diane Middleton, Vice President of Advocacy for the Midland Business Alliance. “We thank Senator Peters on behalf of businesses here in Midland, who can now be confident the Postal Service will continue to be efficient and reliable.”

“The Postal Service is vital for helping our organization contact clients and provide them with the best care possible,” said Laurie Arora, Vice President Public Affairs of Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Southeast Michigan. “We are grateful to Senator Peters for leading these reforms that will ensure our organization and community can continue relying on this essential institution.”

“Senator Peters’ Postal Service Reform Act is good for all of our Downriver communities, our country, and will be great for our postal workers for years to come,” said Jim Perry, President of the Downriver Community Conference. 

“The Gray Panthers were proud to stand by Senator Peters and advocate for the Postal Service Reform Act,” said Randy Block, Convenor of the Gray Panthers of Metro Detroit. “This new law will ensure that seniors all across Michigan can continue to count on the Postal Service to deliver important mail and packages on time.”

“Senator Peters worked tirelessly to enact this historic legislation, which will ensure on time and reliable mail service for all Michiganders,” said Chong-Anna Canfora, Executive Director of Michigan Community Action. “Additionally, the Postal Service Reform Act provides postal workers with well-deserved benefits and stable employment, which is always a win in our book.”

“Ann Arbor, like so many other cities, relies on the Postal Service to function,” said Ann Arbor Mayor Christopher Taylor. “Thanks to Senator Peters for his work leading passage of the Postal Service Reform Act. Because of this law, this essential service can continue to reliably serve folks in our community and deliver essential items.”

“Prescription delivery services have taken off in the last decade. Thanks to Senator Peters, seniors will continue to have a worry-free solution to medication management,” said Michelle Krumm, Manager of the Grand Traverse County Senior Center Network. 

“Michiganders, including seniors on Medicare and Medicaid, as well as veterans enrolled in VA healthcare, especially those residing in rural communities, along with others, depend on the U.S. Postal Service for timely delivery of critical medications, financial documents, and other mail necessary for their quality of life,” said Josh Galle, Associate Director & Accredited County Veterans Service Officer of the Charlevoix County Veterans Affairs. “Additionally the mail system provides vital access to care information and resources. This bill and the efforts of Senator Peters and other leaders will ensure our postal employees receive the required financial resources to deliver mail six days a week, and continue its nearly 250 year tradition of meeting its delivery targets.” 

“The Postal Service serves as a lifeline to families, businesses, schools, health centers, and more throughout our community,” said Ionia Mayor Daniel Balice. “I applaud Senator Peters for his dedicated efforts to pass this historic law and ensure the Postal Service can continue providing reliable service for years to come.”  

“The Postal Service plays an essential role in supporting small businesses, keeping families connected, and delivering medications to veterans and seniors,” said Hastings Mayor David Tossava. “I want to thank Senator Peters for his work to get this critical legislation over the finish line, which will make a real and lasting impact on our community in Hastings.”

“An efficient and reliable Postal Service is essential to our residents’ daily lives,” said Harper Woods Mayor Valerie Kindle. “Thanks to Senator Peters’ hard work on the Postal Service Reform Act, they can continue to rely on the Postal Service for vital services.”

“Voters and Election Administrators alike need to know our U.S. Postal Service is reliable to ensure ballots are received in a timely manner,” said Lisa Brown, Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds. “I’m grateful to Senator Peters for recognizing and working on this important issue. Many of our customers conduct business with my office using the U.S. Postal Service – it’s comforting to know that will continue to be a good option for years to come.”

“Everyone should have access to their local library and the Postal Service allows us to provide that access to the blind and homebound by sending books and other materials through the mail,” said Larry Neal, Director of the Clinton-Macomb Public Library. “We are grateful to Senator Peters for passing this bipartisan law that will support the Postal Service, and ensure our library can continue connecting with people who are unable to visit us in-person.”

“The residents of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, rural Lower Michigan and all other rural areas of America can be very grateful to Senator Gary Peters for his unwavering efforts and continued support for the necessary reform of the U.S. Postal Service,” said Tony Edlebeck, former Kingsford City Manager (Retired). “The recently passed legislation will ensure uninterrupted rural mail service throughout our country. I was certainly pleased to learn of the recent announcement of the overwhelming bipartisan support of Congress to pass the legislation led by Senator Peters to support the U.S. mail system and fully support America’s rural mail service. This is certainly fantastic news for all rural businesses and residents that continue to depend on the U.S. Postal Service for daily communication and business operations.”  

“With rising fuel costs my prescriptions from the VA are not just convenient, but save me time and money. The nearest VA pharmacy is 20 miles away. I greatly appreciate Senator Peters fighting to protect the postal delivery I count on for my medications,” said Keith Markstrom, Vietnam Veteran (Bay City, MI).

“APWU is deeply appreciative to Senator Peters for all the time that he put into passing this historic legislation, and for working with his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to find common ground. We commend Senator Peters for his leadership and devotion to the public Postal Service,” said Mark Dimondstein, President of the American Postal Workers Union. “The Postal Service Reform Act is providing needed financial and operational changes to the United States Postal Service. The law places USPS on the path toward financial stability by adding much-needed transparency to the Postal Service, enacting prospective Medicare integration, ensuring six-day delivery, and repealing the unfair pre-funding mandate.”

“For almost two decades, Mail Handlers have seen the Postal Service struggle financially, resulting in calls for privatization and reductions in service,” said Paul V. Hogrogian, National President of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union. “With Chairman Peters’ leadership on the Postal Service Reform Act, the USPS will see a righting of its fiscal ship. The NPMHU is grateful to Chairman Peters for his work on this momentous law.”

“On behalf of 290,000 active and retired letter carriers represented by the National Association of Letter Carriers, we commend Chairman Peters for his steadfast support of letter carriers over the years. Amid tremendous odds, a pandemic and the unique political challenges presented over the last 12 years, Chairman Peters was able to bring together Republicans, Democrats, unions, and management to get the Postal Service Reform Act enacted into law – finally shedding the onerous mandate to pre-fund retiree health care costs, and permanently codifying six-day mail and package delivery into law,” said Fredric Rolando, President of the National Association of Letter Carriers. “The PSRA will bring letter carriers and our customers stability and reliability as we plan for the future. We deeply appreciate his friendship and commitment to seeing it through.”

“On April 6, 2022, President Biden signed the Postal Service Reform Act into law, ensuring America’s Postal Service remains viable well into the 21st Century. I would like to personally thank Chairman Peters for his tireless effort to get postal reform legislation passed in a bipartisan manner,” said Ronnie Stutts, President of the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association. “The Postal Service Reform Act includes many provisions the NRLCA has advocated for years that we feel will allow the Postal Service to achieve financial stability. This legislation has been over a decade in the making, and the NRLCA is proud to have worked with Chairman Peters to get the Postal Service Reform Act across the finish line. Finally, I want to thank all of the Senators who joined Chairman Peters in supporting this important legislation by voting “yes” to pass this meaningful postal reform legislation.”

“Chairman Gary Peters’ bipartisan leadership helped secure passage of the recently signed-into-law Postal Service Reform Act (Public Law 117-108). His success demonstrates his legislative skill and unique ability to work across party lines. Moreover, the Chairman’s stewardship of the Senate floor debate ensured his colleagues understood the importance of the legislation to the future of a universal and affordable national postal system,” said Ivan Butts, President of the National Association of Postal Supervisors. “The National Association of Postal Supervisors was honored to work in partnership with Senator Peters to pass the bill, which helps to stabilize the finances and operations of the U.S. Postal Service.”

“Senator Peters’ leadership in sponsoring and achieving passage of the PSRA was invaluable and ensures that the Postal Service will continue delivering mail and packages together in an integrated network to the entire country six days a week,” said John McHugh, Chairman of the Package Coalition. “He showed that there is still a path toward bipartisanship and success on issues of great importance to the country.” 

“Put simply, the Postal Service Reform Act would not have happened without the leadership of Chairman Peters. Senator Peters is an engaged and committed advocate for the Postal Service. Thanks to his commitment to the postal community in Michigan as a Senator and as Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee real change happened,” said Edmund Carley, President of the United Postmasters and Managers of America. “Senator Peters showed the leadership to build a consensus, the strength to prioritize bipartisanship and endurance to see a task accomplished. These qualities are credit to him and his style of governing – and a major benefit to the American people who can now continue to rely on the timely delivery of mail and packages. Postmasters are grateful for his leadership, partnership and friendship.”

“The GCA remains grateful for Chairman Peters’ leadership in not only passing the Postal Service Reform Act, but also in doing so with a strong bipartisan consensus consistent with the best traditions of the United States Senate,” said Tom Shoaf, Chairman of the Greeting Cards Association Public Affairs Committee. 

“The Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service believes the Postal Service Reform Act is vitally important postal legislation.  It instantly transformed the finances of a challenged postal system, taking a giant step toward preserving it for at least the next generation, and made sure 6-day delivery in one network is the law,” said Arthur B. Sackler, Executive Director of the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service. “C21 commends and is grateful to Chairman Gary Peters for his skillful leadership on this highly bipartisan and successful legislative effort.” 
