Feinstein: Immediately Pass Bill Raising Age to Buy Assault Rifles

Source: United States Senator for California – Dianne Feinstein

Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today called on the Senate to immediately move to consider her Age 21 Act, a bill to raise the minimum age to purchase assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines from 18 to 21.

  • On May 25, an 18-year-old gunman killed 19 students and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. It has been reported that the shooter purchased two AR-15-style assault rifles shortly after his 18th birthday, one of which he reportedly used in the shooting. Under the Age 21 Act, those purchases would have been rejected.
  • On May 14, an 18-year-old gunman killed 10 people inside a grocery store in Buffalo, N.Y. He legally purchased an AR-15-style assault rifle shortly after his 18th birthday. Under the Age 21 Act, that purchase would have been rejected.

“In fewer than 10 days, two mass shootings by 18-year-olds left 31 people dead. And in both shootings, assault rifles were legally purchased by teenagers because our gun laws are broken and because Republicans refuse to help fix them. I am heartbroken by these senseless deaths and I am sickened that our country stands by and does nothing.

“Both these teenage shooters would have been turned away at a bar. But they were able to walk into gun stores and legally purchase one of the most deadly weapons available, weapons that have no place on our streets, in our grocery stores or in our schools. This is unconscionable.

“In fact, both murderers couldn’t even legally buy a handgun, but our gun laws are so porous that they have no parity between types of weapons. And even though the Age 21 Act had bipartisan support in the past, too many Republicans live in constant terror of the gun lobby and refuse to do anything to stop the bloodshed.

“To all my Republican colleagues who think an 18-year-old should be able to buy an assault rifle, this is the result: 31 lives snuffed out, including 19 young children in an elementary school classroom. Have you no shame? Pass the Age 21 Act now.” 
