ICYMI: Rubio: Americans Deserve a Plan in Ukraine

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

What’s Next in Ukraine? Americans Deserve a Plan
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
May 17, 2022
RealClear Politics

Last night, the Senate advanced $40 billion in military, economic, and humanitarian aid to support Ukraine’s effort to repel Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion. Much of that spending is incredibly important — not only will it provide direct security assistance to Ukraine, but it will also replenish depleted U.S. military weapons stockpiles and support American troops deployed to NATO countries earlier this year.

Nevertheless, President Joe Biden should not assume Congress will rubber stamp his next request. America cannot afford an endless, undefined commitment.…

America’s intelligence community, which accurately predicted the invasion, now believes Putin is “preparing for a prolonged conflict in Ukraine” that will turn into a “war of attrition.” That stark assessment comes as there is growing evidence the Biden administration’s objectives are shifting…, prompting global headlines like “Pentagon chief’s Russia remarks show shift in US’s declared aims in Ukraine.”
…We owe it to the American people to clearly articulate our goals and objectives in Ukraine…. [W]hen working families are asked to spend billions of dollars a week on a “war of attrition,” they deserve to know why — and whether the administration’s objectives are truly in the national interest.…  
We cannot take anything for granted in Ukraine, but we also cannot afford an endless, undefined commitment. The need for clarity is especially acute given the urgent need to prioritize resources to counter the Chinese Communist Party in the Indo-Pacific. President Biden needs to state his objectives to the American people and explain how they will make America stronger at home and abroad. If he cannot do that, he will have lost the American people’s support for Ukraine and congressional support for his next aid package.
Read the rest here.