McConnell on Sham Sentencing of Aung San Suu Kyi

Source: United States Senator for Kentucky Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Burma:

“Madam President, I along with others had the opportunity to say goodbye to Madeline Albright this morning.

“A truly remarkable life. First woman Secretary of State. A remarkable diplomat. And a friend.

“We had an opportunity to bond over an issue I’m about to discuss: the people of Burma and the plight that they’ve had to endure.

“Over the years, and regretfully as her life came to an end, things did not go in the right direction in Burma, at least not yet. And I know she would not have given up hope, nor have I. 

“With regard to the current situation in Burma — Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, was handed yet another outrageous sham sentence by the military junta in Burma.

“For the past year, the leader of Burma’s democracy movement and thousands of her fellow citizens have been detained while the Tatmadaw drags their country violently backward.

“The generals responsible for last year’s coup have met a groundswell of popular protests with brutality. As Burma’s diverse ethnic minorities have found historic unity in the cause of democracy, the junta has stoked violence and division.

“The Tatmadaw is holding countless citizens of Burma in prolonged detention, along with foreign nationals like the Australian economist Sean Turnell. Its political prisoners reportedly include dozens of children under the age of fifteen.

“And its baseless prosecution of Daw Suu Kyi illustrates how long the road ahead is for Burma’s democracy advocates. The military’s latest ruling against my friend is just one in an absurd list that could carry a total sentence of 190 years.

“With every passing day, the junta’s ruling generals are showing the world what they’re afraid of. They fear the people of Burma – their unity, their resolve, and their devotion to a democratic future.

“I’ve been proud to stand with Burma’s democracy movement throughout my career. I’ve been paying close attention to their plight this past year.

“And I’m looking forward to hearing soon from the Biden Administration about their efforts to help.

“What sanctions will the Administration apply to ratchet up the pressure?

“What additional support will they provide to the true representatives of the people of Burma? What will they do to ensure a restoration of democracy in Burma is a top priority for the upcoming ASEAN Summit?

“The leaders and supporters of this brutal coup must be held accountable.”