Heinrich Earth Day Statement

Source: United States Senator for New Mexico Martin Heinrich

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) issued the following statement in recognition of Earth Day tomorrow:

“Earth Day offers us the opportunity to renew our commitment to pass on a healthy and livable planet to future generations. As the father of two teenage sons, I know just how attuned our kids and young Americans are to how their future will be impacted by the actions—or inactions—we take today to invest in clean energy and climate resilience.

“The climate crisis that is already contributing to more destructive wildfire behavior in New Mexico’s forests, dangerously low water levels in our rivers and reservoirs, and the disappearance of snowpack on our mountains, is the direct result of the hydrocarbons like coal, oil, and fossil gas that you and I are burning into the atmosphere from our homes, offices, and vehicles. As we have seen all too clearly over the last month, our current reliance on those same hydrocarbons is also propping up Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked aggression and horrific war crimes in Ukraine and leading to more costly gas prices and more expensive monthly utility bills.

“I am dedicated to growing New Mexico’s clean energy economy, helping families lower their energy costs by purchasing electric home appliances and electric vehicles, investing in on-the-ground conservation work to repair our forests and watersheds, and supporting the long-term health of fish and wildlife habitat all across America.

“This remains our best opportunity to make a real difference in the type of planet that we will pass on to our children and future generations. All eyes are rightly on the Biden administration and on Congress to pass transformative climate investments. We need to deliver.”