Merkley and Wyden Secure Critical Aid for the Klamath Basin, Urge Unity to Secure Long-Term Solutions

Source: United States Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore)

April 13, 2022

Washington, D.C.– Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden released the following statement today after the Bureau of Reclamation announced a water allocation for the Klamath Project, as well as $20 million in immediate drought relief for the Project and $5 million in technical assistance for Klamath Basin tribes:

“We are committed to working together to help Klamath Basin communities face another extremely difficult water year. The funding that the administration made available this week, which we fought to secure, will go a long way toward helping the region meet the challenges ahead, as we continue to work in close collaboration with federal agencies, state partners, the Klamath Basin tribes, and agricultural producers to realize long-term solutions to end the crisis.  

“We know that everyone would prefer to have more water, but when there isn’t enough to go around, we need to find creative ways to help, while laying the groundwork toward more comprehensive solutions. That is why we have worked to ensure this increased funding would be made available for drought relief, habitat restoration efforts, and infrastructure modernization. Because of our efforts, there is an unprecedented amount of funding available to help the Klamath Basin, but it will require collaboration to take advantage of it. ? 

“All of us must remain united to help the Klamath Basin chart a better path forward through the severe drought and build toward a more resilient future together.”