Coons, colleagues unveil resolution honoring former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright

Source: United States Senator for Delaware Christopher Coons

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, joined Senators Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and 15 of their colleagues in introducing a resolution to celebrate the life, achievements, and legacy of former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright. In addition to commending Secretary Albright’s patriotism and public service in the pursuit of a more peaceful, prosperous, and cooperative world order, the bipartisan resolution extends the Senate’s sincere condolences and sympathies to Secretary Albright’s family and friends in the wake of her passing.

“Madeleine Albright will be remembered as a giant of American diplomacy,” said Senator Coons. “I had the blessing of knowing Secretary Albright’s humor, brilliance, talent, and remarkable insights into world affairs over many years, and I am pleased the Senate has taken a moment today to honor her immense contributions to our country and to our world. As a stateswoman and a fierce advocate for democracy and human rights, Madeleine Albright truly made a lifetime of difference.”

“With this bipartisan resolution, we honor Secretary Albright’s extraordinary contributions to our global community and her unparalleled dedication to serving others both as the first woman Secretary of State and throughout her tenure in public service,”said Chairman Menendez. “As a child, she fled fascism as a refugee, later becoming a leading voice for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. As in her life, Secretary Albright’s legacy will continue to shape American statecraft and to inspire foreign policy leaders and public servants for generations to come. She was a dear friend and mentor to me and to many, and she will be deeply missed.”

“Madeleine Albright, a giant in the field of foreign policy, was a fierce defender of democracy and internationally-recognized human rights across the globe,” said Ranking Member Risch. “This resolution honors the indispensable work she did on behalf of the United States and extends sincere condolences to Secretary Albright’s family and loved ones.”

Joining Senators Coons, Menendez, and Risch in introducing the resolution were Senators Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.). 

“Madeleine Albright embodied the ideals of America. She was a constant light in the struggle between freedom and oppression, relentlessly advocating for people to have rights she knew didn’t exist under authoritarian regimes. She broke the highest glass ceiling in her field, then spent the rest of her life fighting for opportunities for women. We’ll remember her as a diplomat and a trail blazer,” said Senator Schatz.

“Secretary Albright was a friend, a dedicated public servant, and a true champion for democracy around the globe,” said Senator Sullivan. “I was honored to work with her in our respective roles as Chairs of the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute. Secretary Albright will be greatly missed, but her life and legacy—which began when she and her family fled Soviet communism as a young girl, and led her to the highest branches of government—will help ensure the light of freedom and liberty continues shining brightly for many years to come.”

“A refugee who went on to become the first woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright’s life story is one of resoluteness and a reflection of the bright promises of democracy,” said Senator Romney. “Her service to our country and mark on U.S. foreign policy will be felt for generations to come.”

“Madeleine Albright was a Virginian, a tireless champion for democracy, and a dear friend. She represented the very best of America—an immigrant from Czechoslovakia who rose to the highest position in American diplomacy, paving the way for women around the world,” said Senator Kaine. “I’m glad the Senate passed a resolution today in her honor. I will miss her wise counsel.”

“Madeleine Albright came to the United States as a child refugee from war-torn Europe, fleeing Nazi and Soviet persecution. She grew up to become the first female Secretary of State – our nation’s top diplomat – breaking down barriers for generations of women to follow in her footsteps and stand on her shoulders. I’m proud to be one of those women and I’m honored to join members of the Senate to honor Secretary Albright for her service to our nation and for forging a path in government service that created space and leadership for women,” said Senator Shaheen. “As we mourn her loss, we don’t look back, but forward, on the opportunities she created for women around the world to realize their full potential. I urge Senate leadership to swiftly pass this resolution.”

“Secretary Madeleine Albright was a trailblazer, a leader, a seasoned diplomat, and a champion for all humankind. After arriving in the United States as a refugee, she always fought to give a voice to the voiceless. And she was a force to be reckoned with,” said Senator Van Hollen. “Her legacy will never be forgotten. This resolution is a fitting way to highlight her courage and leadership which will continue to serve as an example for generations to come.”

“The United States and the free world lost a giant with the passing of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,” said Senator Cardin. “She was a champion for democratic values and institutions, as well as diplomat extraordinaire, best-selling author, long-time leader of the National Democratic Institute, trailblazing Ambassador to the United Nations and glass-ceiling breaking Secretary of State. Secretary Albright also was the mother of three remarkably successful daughters and a mentor and friend to countless other women. Her contributions to strengthening American diplomacy and standing up for democracy cannot be overstated. She was an incredible leader and a presence the world will not soon forget.”

“Madeleine Albright was an accomplished diplomat, human rights champion, and trailblazer,” said Senator Merkley. “As the first woman to hold the position of Secretary of State, she broke barriers and has left a long lasting legacy of effective global diplomacy which will continue for years to come and serve as a model for future generations of diplomats.” 

Full text of the resolution is available here.
