Thune on Fox News: Ending Title 42 Policies at the Border is Insanity

Source: United States Senator for South Dakota John Thune

Click here to watch the interview.
U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today joined The Story with Martha MacCallum on Fox News to discuss the Biden administration’s failure to secure our southern border. Thune noted that the Biden administration’s border crisis, which is the worst in history, will only get worse if the administration ends the previous administration’s Title 42 border policies, which helped prevent a greater surge of illegal immigration during the pandemic.

On how ending Title 42 policies would make the Biden administration’s border crisis worse:
“It’s a humanitarian crisis. It’s also a national security crisis, obviously.
“But what they’re talking about is absolute insanity. I mean, think about this. If they get rid of Title 42 – it’s kept about 50 percent of the people who are trying to come here illegally from getting into the country illegally – add another 50 percent to the number of people who come here illegally just in the last year, and we’re at about 150,000 now a month attempted illegal crossings, and getting rid of Title 42 is just going to exacerbate that situation. 
“And you don’t have to believe us. The two Democrat senators from Arizona have been pleading with the Department of Homeland Security and with the Biden administration, ‘Don’t do this, this is going to be an absolute disaster on our border.’
“And [the administration has] no plan in place to deal with it, but they’re talking about doing it anyway.”
On the hypocrisy of eliminating pandemic Title 42 policies while asking for additional COVID relief:
“It is absolutely stunning to me that [the administration] would move forward with this, especially at a time when they’re asking for additional COVID relief.
“So they’re basically acknowledging that we still have a pandemic when it comes to trying to get funding, but they’re saying the pandemic’s over in terms of immigration. It’s crazy.”
On the administration’s refusal to address the border crisis:
“Honestly, I don’t think they – it doesn’t seem like they care.
“Because the president hasn’t been there. His so-called border czar, Vice President Harris, hasn’t been to the border. This seems to be a non-issue to them.
“And it’s going to overwhelm our southern border, which is why even Democrats in the Senate are now urging and pleading with the president and the administration to take a different course.”