Collins, King Urge Biden Administration to Provide Details on Lethal Aid to Ukraine, Expedite Deliveries

Source: United States Senator for Maine Angus King

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Shortly after returning from a bipartisan fact-finding mission to Poland and Germany, U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King are calling on the Biden administration to provide clear answers on the speed and specifics of lethal aid being provided to Ukraine. In a letter a bipartisan letter from over 20 Senators to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Collins and King request updates on the exact military aid being provided to Ukraine, urge the administration to provide the aid as fast as possible, and push for a military plan that will help Ukraine win this unprovoked war.

“In light of Ukraine’s continued resistance against Vladimir Putin’s bloody invasion of Ukraine, we request you commit to a military support plan to enable Ukraine to win this unlawful war of aggression against their sovereign nation, said the Senators. “Today, over one month into the conflict, Ukraine’s government remains intact. Their forces, bolstered by lethal aid provided by the Presidential Drawdown Authority and additional re-supply authorized by Congress, are repelling Russia’s offensive strikes.”

“America’s commitments to Ukraine and to our NATO allies demand we expedite the delivery of weapons and capabilities to our allies and partners; Ukraine can win this fight if we help them win this fight. Above all else, our commitment to our allies and partners keeps Americans prosperous and keeps our families safe,” continued the Senators. The U.S. mission in Ukraine must go beyond ensuring the country merely has the means to defend itself against Russian aggression. The strategy must deliver Ukraine necessary weapons to defend itself, counter the Russian forces’ advance, and give the Ukrainian people a chance to win this war.”

In concluding their letter, the Senators request timely answers on five crucial questions.

  1. A list of all lethal and nonlethal aid provided to date and status of delivery or estimated delivery to Ukraine.
  2. A list of all equipment purchased or allocated for the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund that remains within U.S. stocks or control, and an assessment of the feasibility to provide such equipment to Ukraine.
  3. A complete list of all Army Pre-positioned Stock (APS) or Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) stocks in Europe by item and location.
  4. An analysis of available equipment within allied and partner nations that could be procured or transferred to Ukraine and subsequently backfilled with NATO equipment.
  5. A list of equipment, production capacity, and war reserve inventories the United States is capable of delivering to backfill to NATO members who have provided capabilities to Ukraine.

Senators Collins and King, both members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, have forcefully condemned Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian sovereignty. Earlier this month, they joined a bipartisan Congressional delegation to Poland and Germany where they met with NATO leaders, Ukrainian refugees, and U.S. servicemembers for a first-hand look at the humanitarian crisis and America’s efforts to support Ukrainians. Before Russia began its military operation, they cosponsored a resolution supporting the American partner in the face of Russian aggression and called for maximum intelligence sharing with Ukrainian officials. They also recently participated in a virtual conversation on the escalating threat posed by Russia in Eastern Europe with Ambassadors from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. 

The full letter can be read HERE and below.


Dear National Security Advisor Sullivan,

In light of Ukraine’s continued resistance against Vladimir Putin’s bloody invasion of Ukraine, we request you commit to a military support plan to enable Ukraine to win this unlawful war of aggression against their sovereign nation.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, Russia did not overwhelm the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the first weeks of the conflict. Today, over one month into the conflict, Ukraine’s government remains intact. Their forces, bolstered by lethal aid provided by the Presidential Drawdown Authority and additional re-supply authorized by Congress, are repelling Russia’s offensive strikes. Most crucially, the Ukrainian people are ready to fight to the last person. Many of us have heard from Ukrainian officials, military members, veterans, and civil society leaders, who have all urged the United States to deliver more lethal aid more rapidly. The authorities and funding are available to the Commander-in-Chief to provide over 3 billion dollars of lethal and nonlethal military aid to Ukraine and transfer excess, pre-positioned defense articles to Ukraine and other allies and partners in Europe for the remainder of the fiscal year.

America’s commitments to Ukraine and to our NATO allies demand we expedite the delivery of weapons and capabilities to our allies and partners; Ukraine can win this fight if we help them win this fight. Above all else, our commitment to our allies and partners keeps Americans prosperous and keeps our families safe.

Members of the U.S. Senate formally requested the following information from both the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the National Security Council. We request a timely response to these questions detailing your provisions, risk assessments, and strategy to enable Ukraine to defeat Vladimir Putin and return to sovereignty and freedom.

1.               A list of all lethal and nonlethal aid provided to date and status of delivery or estimated delivery to Ukraine.

2.               A list of all equipment purchased or allocated for the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund that remains within U.S. stocks or control, and an assessment of the feasibility to provide such equipment to Ukraine.

3.               A complete list of all Army Pre-positioned Stock (APS) or Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) stocks in Europe by item and location.

4.               An analysis of available equipment within allied and partner nations that could be procured or transferred to Ukraine and subsequently backfilled with NATO equipment.

5.               A list of equipment, production capacity, and war reserve inventories the United States is capable of delivering to backfill to NATO members who have provided capabilities to Ukraine.

The U.S. mission in Ukraine must go beyond ensuring the country merely has the means to defend itself against Russian aggression. The strategy must deliver Ukraine necessary weapons to defend itself, counter the Russian forces’ advance, and give the Ukrainian people a chance to win this war. Success cannot be a Russian-occupied Ukraine – it must be a free, independent, and sovereign Ukraine. Authoritarianism cannot prevail in this conflict. Defending freedom in Ukraine is defending freedom everywhere. We anxiously await your response.