Scott Talks SCOTUS Nomination, New Employee Rights Bill on Fox News

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott

Tuesday | March 22, 2022

WASHINGTON – This week, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) joined Fox News to discuss what he will look for in President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee. Sen. Scott also announced his new bill, the Employee Rights Act of 2022, which will counter the Democrats’ PRO Act by increasing flexibility and protection for America’s workers.

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On how Republicans will evaluate Judge Jackson … “What we’re going to focus on are the concerns we have about her philosophy as a judge. We’re going to focus on how [she has ruled] in the past and why [some of those rulings were] overturned by a higher court.

“We’re going to focus on making sure that America’s Supreme Court gets the justice they deserve. This is not Biden’s Supreme Court. This is not the progressive’s Supreme Court. This is America’s Supreme Court. And so I can tell you that Republicans will dig into her record, but we’re interested in who she is as a judge, not what she looks like.”

On his new Employee Rights Act of 2022 … “[Republicans] are going to focus on the future, while the Democrats are focusing on the past. We literally understand that workers want the flexibility in their schedules, and they want to build a workplace around themselves. We can help them get that accomplished through my legislation. So I’m really excited to see the progress we’re making [on ensuring that today’s] employees decide when they work, how much they work for, and the benefits they get. Whether you’re an independent contractor or an employee, we want a workplace that is conducive for your priorities.”

On the Democrats’ PRO Act … “The PRO Act, which failed in California, the most liberal state in the country — failed by a 20 point margin [at the polls] — [Democrats are] trying to bring that failed legislation to the national scene where they literally require every employee to join a union or pay dues to a union, whether they are a member or not.

“They want to be able to take those union dues and use them for political purposes. Ninety percent of the money goes to Democrats, while 40 percent of the union members vote for Republicans. We have to break that stronghold that they currently have. They want to — through the PRO Act — eliminate 27 states’ Right to Work laws, in other words ushering in a new wave of unions. That is wrong for our economy, wrong for our workers, and wrong for our country.”


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