Sen. Cramer Discusses Russian Collusion with the Political Left, Environmental Organizations on Newsmax

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer, member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, joined Newsmax’s American Agenda with Bob Sellers and Heather Childers to discuss Russian collusion with the political left and environmental organizations. They also discussed the need to transfer MiG fighter jets from Poland to Ukraine. Excerpts and full video are below.

On Russian Collusion with the Political Left, Environmental Organizations

“Russia’s involvement in spreading misinformation through non-governmental organizations disguised as environmental groups in the United States is not a new story. This is something we’ve known for some time. In fact, in 2018, a House Committee found evidence this was happening. The Senate, under Democratic leadership, admitted as much—Russia was spending money in the United States to push us toward the Green New Deal. At the same time, [this] opens up markets for them to sell their dirtier fuel. What’s not benefiting, of course, is the environment. Frankly, opening up markets for Russia to sell its dirty energy while we are not in that market is like taking a bath in a pigpen. It’s is ridiculous. What’s really not so ironic is both Russia and the political left in the United States get to promote what they love most: a socialist economic system.”


“Let’s face it, the Green New Deal has always been much more about a socialist economic agenda than it has been about the environment.”


“In light of this circumstance, it really does demand some sort of an investigation.”

On John Kerry’s Hypocrisy and Virtue Signaling

“Let’s face it, you’ve got John Kerry, the global climate czar for this Administration, running around the world telling countries not to buy American fossil energy. [This] forces them into the arms of other fossil energy producers like Russia or others who don’t have our environmental standards, don’t have our labor standards, and certainly don’t have our economic best interest in mind. It’s just all absurd.”


“Earlier this week [John Kerry] was down in Houston at CERAWeek and he said—out loud, on purpose—‘Don’t worry about those 2 million plus Ukrainian refugees. That’s nothing compared to the hundreds of millions of climate refugees that are going to be the result of dirty energy.’”


“This is all the more reason for the United States to produce it. Let me give you one statistic that I think is really important, particularly in light of Europe’s need for natural gas [and] especially now when they’re cutting themselves off from Russian natural gas. Natural gas produced by Vladimir Putin’s Russia, put in a pipeline and shipped to other European countries through the through its lifecycle, emits 41% more greenhouse gas emissions than American natural gas produced, liquefied, and sent on a ship to those same locations. It only makes sense if you actually care about the environment and actually care about climate you’re going to want more production in the United States.”


On MiG Transfers to Ukraine

“At every turn President Biden has followed, he’s not led. In fact, most of the time when he’s done the right things, whether it’s Nord Stream 2 sanctions or air defense systems, it’s always been late. He’s either had to be led by the United States Congress itself or political pressure from other countries. One of the things he’s been holding back on is this transfer of these MiGs from Poland to Ukraine. Whether or not [MiGs] are the thing they need at the moment, we can argue all day long. We do know this: Volodymyr Zelensky wants them. [Ukraine] believes it would help them. Here’s why I think it’s important: We need to deter that Vladimir Putin, not wait for Russia to do something bad and then say ‘okay, we’ll give you these MiGs’ or ‘wait until he invades and then we’ll sanction Nord Stream 2.’ We should be deterring [Putin] with preemptive action and I think this would send a pretty strong message.”