Blunt, Klobuchar Resolution to Honor Fallen Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans with Memorial Plaque Passes Senate

Source: United States Senator for Missouri Roy Blunt

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Ranking Member and Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, announced that their resolution to honor fallen Capitol Police Officer William “Billy” Evans with a memorial plaque at the U.S. Capitol passed the Senate last week.

“U.S. Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans lost his life protecting the greatest symbol of democracy in the world and all of the people who were on the Capitol grounds that tragic day,” said Blunt. “While there is nothing that will make up for the grief his family, loved ones, and fellow officers will shoulder for the rest of their lives, I hope this plaque lets them know that his courage and dedicated service will never be forgotten.”


“Officer Evans gave his life to defend our nation’s Capitol – the heart of our democracy,” said Klobuchar. “Billy Evans was a patriot and we are forever grateful for his 18 years of service on the Capitol Police force. May his legacy continue to inspire all who visit the Capitol he protected and cherished for years to come.”


Officer Evans, an 18-year veteran of the Capitol Police and member of the First Responders Unit, was killed in the line of duty while stationed at the north security checkpoint of the U.S. Capitol on April 2, 2021. The plaque will be unveiled on the anniversary of Officer Evans’s death next month at the dedication of the newly installed north security checkpoint.


Full text of the resolution can be found here and below.


Directing the Architect of the Capitol to obtain and place a memorial plaque for United States Capitol Police Officer William F. Evans at the north security kiosk of the Capitol. 


Whereas William “Billy” F. Evans was born on February 18, 1980 in North Adams, Massachusetts;


Whereas Officer Billy Evans joined the United States Capitol Police on March 7, 2003 and served with distinction in the Capitol Division in the First Responder Unit;


Whereas Officer Billy Evans was protecting the United States Capitol on April 2, 2021 when he was run over by a driver, who hit Officer Evans and another officer;


Whereas Officer Billy Evans died on April 2, 2021 in the heroic performance of his duties as a United States Capitol Police Officer while protecting the Capitol and the Members and staff of, and visitors to, Congress; and


Whereas Officer Billy Evans lay in honor in the rotunda of the Capitol on April 13, 2021: Now, therefore, be it






(a) North Security Kiosk Plaque.—By not later than April 2, 2022, the Architect of the Capitol shall obtain a memorial plaque for Officer William “Billy” F. Evans and place the plaque at the north security kiosk of the United States Capitol, near the intersection of Delaware Avenue NE and Constitution Avenue NE.


(b) Rules Committee Approval.—Before the Architect of the Capitol may obtain a plaque under subsection (a), the Architect of the Capitol shall submit the plans for the plaque, including the design and text of the plaque, to the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate for approval by the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee, acting jointly.