A Senior Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Shaheen Secures Numerous NH & National Security Priorities in Government Funding Legislation Signed into Law

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

March 15, 2022

**Shaheen is Chair of the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Senate Appropriations Subcommittee**

**Shaheen continues to bolster funding for PFAS Health Impact Study, which she established in 2018** 

*Shaheen’s bipartisan bill to extend burial eligibility to Reservists & National Guard Members in State veterans cemeteries becomes law** 

**Shaheen’s bipartisan bill to provide financial flexibility to community coalitions to help access grant funding for substance misuse prevention becomes law**

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Chair of the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee, issued the following statement after government funding legislation for fiscal year (FY) 2022 was signed into law by President Biden. In the legislation, Senator Shaheen included and supported numerous measures that invest in important New Hampshire and national priorities, and delivered urgently needed military assistance to Ukraine as Russia continues its unprovoked, premediated war. 

“Now that this legislation is law, billions in aid are heading to help Ukraine defend itself, record-level funding for VAWA programs will be available to survivors who urgently need assistance, robust resources for our communities suffering from the substance use disorder crisis that was exacerbated by COVID will soon be available, and finally, Reservists and National Guard members will have the same burial rights as their fallen brothers and sisters in arms. The FY22 government funding legislation that Congress wrote and President Biden just signed into law made these priorities possible, and that’s only the beginning,” said Shaheen. “We are also sending more than $62 million in congressionally directed spending that I fought for back to New Hampshire for specific Granite State projects, and making good on a commitment from Congress to continue investments to combat PFAS contamination in our water supplies. I’m thrilled this legislation is now the law of the land to ensure the U.S. is forward-leaning on everything from local infrastructure issues to top national security objectives. Now it’s time to get these dollars out the door.” 

As Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, Senator Shaheen led action on items to address the substance use disorder crisis, provide record-level funding for Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) programs – as well as successfully pushing for reauthorization of VAWA, ending three years of Republican obstruction – and significant federal resources for scientific research opportunities, which are championed by Granite State academic institutions. Read more about those priorities that are now law here. 

In addition, Shaheen used her role as a senior appropriator to push for local projects in New Hampshire through the congressionally directed spending (CDS) process, which allows the federal government to invest in policies and programs that provide assistance to Granite State communities and help move our nation forward. In total, Shaheen secured more than $62.4 million for New Hampshire projects. Read more about those here. 

Shaheen also attached two key bipartisan bills to the final government funding legislation in a separate authorization package:

  • Shaheen’s bipartisan legislation with Senators Cramer (R-ND), Hassan (D-NH) and Hoeven (R-ND) to allow all members of the Reserve Component and the National Guard to be buried in state veterans cemeteries was included in an authorization package attached to the FY 22 government funding legislation.
  • Shaheen’s bipartisan legislation with Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) was also included in the authorization package. This legislation will provide flexibility to Drug-Free Community (DFC) coalitions during the pandemic by temporarily allowing the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) the authority to waive the program’s local matching requirements if the grantee is unable to meet them due to the ongoing pandemic. Shaheen has hosted DFC roundtable discussions with local students, school administrators, community leaders and youth advocates. 

More on NH & National Priorities Shaheen Secured in the FY22 Government Funding Legislation

Pay Increase for Service Members

Shaheen supported a 2.7 percent pay increase for service members. 

Support for Military Spouse Occupational Licensing 

Senator Shaheen secured $3 million to implement her bipartisan legislation with Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) that will improve the transferability of military spouses’ occupational licenses, and also help alleviate the burden spouses endure if they’re small business owners from having to constantly re-register their businesses as they move from state to state with their families. This legislation was signed into law in 2019 as part of the final FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). When advocating for the bill’s passage in 2019, Shaheen highlighted the story of Andrea Krull, whose husband is a Granite Stater, and her personal experience of having to continuously re-establish her business as a consultant with every move. 

Military Readiness Priorities for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

Senator Shaheen supported the inclusion of $250 million in incremental funding for the Multi-Mission Dry Dock project at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Shaheen – a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee — has long supported and led efforts to authorize and fund this project. 

The bill provides over $6.3 billion in funding for procurement of Virginia-class submarines, which are repaired and maintained at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Shaheen has long been a steadfast supporter of the Virginia-class submarine, and a fierce advocate for Shipyard priorities. The bill also contains the $225 million in funding requested by the Navy on their Unfunded Priority List to begin addressing cost overruns for the project to ensure it stays on schedule. 

Strengthen the Shipbuilding Industrial Base 

Senator Shaheen, co-chair of the Senate Navy Caucus, supported the inclusion of report language underscoring the importance to the domestic industrial base of the Navy adhering to domestic sourcing requirements throughout the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Plan. The funding bill also provides $130 million for submarine supplier development initiatives and $20 million for submarine workforce programs. 

Federal Assistance for the ‘Beyond Yellow Ribbon’ Program to Help Granite State Service Members & Families 

Senator Shaheen helped secure $22 million for the Beyond Yellow Ribbon (BYR) program, which funds the New Hampshire National Guard’s Care Coordination Program. BYR programs provide outreach services to troops returning from deployment, including health care, marriage and financial counseling, substance misuse treatment and mental health services. 

Shaheen-Authored Legislation to Allow Burial in State Veterans Cemeteries for Reservists and National Guard Members 

Shaheen successfully included her bipartisan legislation to allow all members of the Reserve Component and the National Guard to be buried in State veterans cemeteries, so long as their service was not terminated under dishonorable conditions. This has long been a priority for Shaheen. The inclusion of the burial legislation follows a letter from the bipartisan sponsors of the legislation sent in January, which was also signed by Senator Hassan and Representatives Chris Pappas (NH-01) and Annie Kuster (NH-02). 

Currently, only Guard members and Reservists who have been called to Active Duty are allowed to be buried in veterans cemeteries if the cemeteries receive federal grant funding through the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Veterans Cemetery Grants Program– including the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen. These eligibility restrictions on state cemeteries fail to appropriately acknowledge the contributions of National Guard members and Reservists who have dedicated their lives in service of our nation.  Moreover, the VA’s existing practice punishes state veterans’ cemeteries that bury the spouses, minor children, or unmarried adult children of those service members by conditioning federal grants on a state cemetery’s compliance with existing federal burial eligibility criteria. 

Shaheen’s bill – the Burial Equity for Guards and Reserves Act – corrects that by prohibiting the VA from conditioning such grants on a cemetery’s compliance with existing eligibility criteria for burial. 

Support for New Hampshire First Responders

A member of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Shaheen worked to include $360 million for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program. The AFG program provides direct financial assistance to eligible fire departments in order to enhance the safety of firefighters and the public. Shaheen frequently advocates for New Hampshire fire departments to receive awards through this program. The Senator also helped include $360 million for the Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response Grants (SAFER) program, which provides grants directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations to help them increase or maintain the number of trained, “front line” firefighters available in their communities. 

Support for Law Enforcement and to Enhance Police-Community Relations   

Senator Shaheen successfully secured $15.7 billion – $604 million more than last year – for Department of Justice law enforcement agencies. This increased funding will allow the hiring of additional agents, deputy marshals, intelligence analysts and other personnel to help keep our communities safe.  She also secured $674.5 million for the Byrne-JAG program, which helps law enforcement agencies in New Hampshire and across the country, strengthens the criminal justice system and bolsters services for victims of crime. Within Byrne-JAG, $382 million will go to support state and local criminal justice systems, an increase of $22 million more than last year. Additionally, Shaheen helped allocate $246 million for COPS Hiring grants, an increase of $9 million from the fiscal year 2021 level. This program supports state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies’ ability to hire, preserve and/or rehire law enforcement officers and increases community policing efforts. 

Senator Shaheen worked to include $201 million for State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance and COPS Office grant programs to support programs that improve police-community relations. This is a 31 percent increase from last year’s funding levels, and will support programs on de-escalation, implicit bias, crisis intervention and training to respond to situations where individuals are mentally ill or disabled.  

Critical Funding for Department of Justice Anti-Opioid Grants

Shaheen has led efforts in Congress to combat the substance use disorder epidemic through her leadership on the CJS appropriations subcommittee, and this year secured $572.5 million to help communities and first responders respond to substance use crises, including opioid addiction and drug trafficking. This is $31 million higher than the FY21 funding level and includes $415 million for Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) grants. These grants support programs like drug, mental health and veteran treatment courts and substance use disorder treatment programs administered by state and local correctional facilities. Last year, Senator Shaheen helped introduce the bipartisan Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery (CARA) Act 3.0 to help combat the opioid epidemic by increasing the funding authorization levels for these programs. Shaheen also secured funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) anti-heroin task force and anti-methamphetamine task force programs.  

This funding builds on Shaheen’s extensive efforts to provide flexibility for treatment providers to use State Opioid Response (SOR) grant dollars to help patients suffering from meth and cocaine dependency, in addition to opioid use disorders. Shaheen’s efforts have led to a more than tenfold increase in federal treatment and prevention funding for New Hampshire. 

Continued Federal Investments for Law Enforcement & Community Prevention Efforts to Combat the Drug Epidemic

Senator Shaheen worked to procure $296.6 million for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program – an increase of more than $6 million from previous funding levels – which provides assistance to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies operating in areas determined to be critical drug-trafficking regions in the United States. Shaheen has previously visited the New England HIDTA headquarters to meet with law enforcement about ongoing efforts to reduce the trafficking of illicit drugs within the region. 

Investments in VA Opioid Treatment Programs

Senator Shaheen supported the inclusion of report language that encourages the VA to expand the use of alternative treatments for pain management, including by expanding acupuncture in VA facilities. A leader in the Senate on efforts to respond to the substance misuse epidemic, Shaheen previously introduced the Acupuncture for our Heroes Act to expand access to acupuncturist services for veterans enrolled in the VA health care system. According to a report by the Veterans Health Administration, 80 percent of VA providers identified acupuncture as one of the top three services most often requested by veterans. Currently, only 60 percent of VA health centers provide often limited acupuncture services on site, and 14 percent do not provide acupuncture services at all. 

Support for Community Coalitions to Prevent & Reduce Substance Misuse 

Senator Shaheen advocated for $106 million for the Drug Free Communities (DFC) Program, which provides grants to local community coalitions to prevent and reduce youth substance misuse. Senator Shaheen has consistently advocated for the DFC program and has led efforts in the Senate to respond to the substance use crisis. In addition, Shaheen’s bipartisan legislation with Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) was included in an authorization package attached to the FY22 government funding bill. This legislation will provide flexibility to DFC coalitions during the pandemic by temporarily allowing the ONDCP the authority to waive the program’s local matching requirements if the grantee is unable to meet them due to the ongoing pandemic. 

Funding for State Opioid Response Grants 

Senator Shaheen once again successfully advocated for the inclusion of $1.5 billion in State Opioid Response (SOR) grant funding, as well as the continuing of a 15 percent set-aside of those funds for hardest hit states with the highest opioid overdose death rates. Over the past four years, New Hampshire has received approximately $92 million from these grants to combat the opioid epidemic in the state, with the hardest-hit state set-aside responsible for the majority of those funds. The bill also continues to provide flexibility provisions authored by Senator Shaheen that allow for SOR grant dollars to be used to support treatment and recovery for cocaine and methamphetamine misuse, in addition to opioid misuse. 

Support for Ocean Research & Conservation Efforts and Weather Satellites

Senator Shaheen secured $5.877 billion for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a $447 million or 8 percent increase above the fiscal year 2021 enacted level. This includes $648 million to support NOAA research, including critical research to combat the climate crisis, marking a 5.5 percent increase from 2021. This funding will help coastal communities in New Hampshire and across the nation strengthen their resilience to a changing climate, as well as support ocean health and research. In addition, the bill invests in successful job-creating programs, sustainable economic development and environmental restoration. The bill provides full funding to cover the full cost of at-sea monitoring in the New England groundfish fishery and an increase of $16 million for research and conservation efforts to protect the endangered North Atlantic right whale, including $14 million to help defray costs paid by the lobster fishing industry to protect right whales, as proposed in the bipartisan Stewarding Atlantic Fisheries Ecosystems by Economic Assistance and Sustainability (SAFE SEAS) Act of 2022 that Shaheen recently introduced with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME). The bill includes $4.5 million specifically targeted for research related to key New England seafood species, including to study the effects of climate change. 

Additionally, Shaheen helped secure $1.3 billion for NOAA’s weather satellites, which help forecast weather to protect property and economic security for families in New Hampshire and across the nation. One-third of U.S. GDP is affected by climate and weather – from farmers in the North Country trying to protect livestock and crops to climate disasters costing billions of dollars of damage.  

Additional Federal Resources to Coast Guard Fishing Safety Training & Research Grants 

Senator Shaheen worked to include $6 million for Coast Guard fishing safety training and research grants. Shaheen previously introduced bipartisan legislation with Senators Markey (D-MA), Sullivan (R-AK), King (I-ME), Collins (R-ME), Murkowski (R-AK), Warren (D-MA) and Hassan (D-NH) – the Funding Instruction for Safety Health, and Security Avoids Fishing Emergencies (FISH SAFE) Act— to restore the size of the federal share of fishing safety training and research grants. Understanding the daunting conditions that fishermen face on the job, Senator Shaheen has worked across the aisle to support fishing safety programs. 

Support for NH’s Maple Industry

Senator Shaheen supported a $1 million increase for a total amount of $7 million for the Acer Access and Development program, which created in the 2014 Farm Bill to support the maple industry. 

Continued Investments in Shaheen’s PFAS Health Impact Study

Senator Shaheen has spearheaded efforts in Congress to uncover the potential health effects related to PFAS contamination, respond to the chemical exposure and remediate polluted sites. In the government funding legislation, Senator Shaheen successfully fought to include $15 million to continue the PFAS health impact study that she created in the FY18 NDAA , which counts the former Pease Air Force Base as the first site to be assessed. The FY22 funding legislation signed into law today includes an additional $255.3 million for PFAS testing and remediation on military bases and in communities adjacent to bases. 

Ongoing Investments in Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure 

The bill also provides $1.638 billion for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRFs) and $1.126 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.  This funding is in addition to the $7.42 billion provided through the SRFs in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in 2022, which Shaheen led negotiations around regarding water infrastructure. In total between appropriations and the IIJA, the State Revolving Funds will receive more than $10.18 billion this year, which is more than three-and-a-half times what was provided in FY 2021.  

Addressing PFAS and Contaminants of Emerging Concern 

The funding bill also allocates $192 million to for emergency response and removal at Hazardous Substance Superfund sites. This is a $2 million increase over previous funding levels. This comes in addition to language added by Shaheen directing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to work with State and local governments to help communities address emerging contaminants like PFAS, which are increasingly being discovered at Superfund sites. 

The funding legislation includes an additional $2.7 million for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to continue work to examine and test PFAS substances in watersheds and aquifers. This funding also supports the EPA’s research and regulatory work to establish water standards for PFAS. 

Examine Safety of Firefighters’ Personal Equipment 

Shaheen included $3 million for PFAS personal protective equipment research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This is an increase of $1 million over previous funding levels. Shaheen previously introduced the Guaranteeing Equipment Safety for Firefighters Act, bipartisan legislation with former Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO), that would take important steps to address concerns regarding firefighters’ occupational exposure to PFAS chemicals through their personal protective equipment.  This legislation was passed by Congress as part of the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act and later became law. The FY20 defense bill included Shaheen’s bipartisan legislation, the Protecting Military Firefighters from PFAS Act, requiring the Department of Defense (DOD) to include blood testing for PFAS as part of routine physicals for military firefighters, as well as a provision authored by Shaheen that would phase out the use of PFAS in DOD firefighting foams by 2024. 

Improve Access to Quality Health Care for Women Veterans 

Senator Shaheen supported efforts to prioritize $840 million in this appropriations legislation for women veterans’ health care, which is $179 million above previous funding levels. Women make up approximately 15 percent of current U.S. military personnel and are enrolling for VA benefits at record levels. Over the years, the VA has worked to improve services, resources, facilities and its workforce to make health care more accessible for women veterans; however, there is much that still needs to be done. Women veterans require gender-specific health care services and this funding would help the VA  continue its efforts to provide the necessary resources to provide such care. 

Housing Assistance for Veterans

Senator Shaheen supported the inclusion of $484 million for the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program. It also funds the Grant and Per Diem Program for homeless veterans at $270 million. These programs are integral in reducing veteran homelessness by providing case management, permanent housing and supportive services that promote recovery and housing stability. 

Highest Funding Level Ever for Violence Against Women Act Programs 

For the fifth year in a row, Senator Shaheen successfully secured the highest funding level ever for Violence Against Women Act programs, totaling $575 million for the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). This is a 12 percent increase from last year’s funding level and will support training officials, rape prevention programs, domestic violence hotlines, counseling and other health services, women’s shelters and transitional housing. Funding is provided for new initiatives including a restorative justice program and Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys to address violence against women in Indian Country.  

Throughout the pandemic, Senator Shaheen has worked to provide more resources and services to domestic violence survivors nationwide. Shaheen recently introduced the bipartisan Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization Act. VAWA is the flagship 1994 law that supports survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking by providing federal resources and technical support for programs that help victims. The 2022 VAWA reauthorization, which is also part of this omnibus legislative package, will expand efforts to combat these crimes by aiding domestic violence prevention and support organizations, protecting survivors and promoting safer communities for women and families.  

Increased Funding to Support Victims of Violent Crimes & Bolstered Legal Services

A staunch advocate for the Crime Victims Fund (CVF), Shaheen successfully secured $2.6 billion for the fund this year – $585 million over previous funding levels. This fund provides direct assistance and programs to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, human trafficking and other violent crimes. Shaheen is a leader in the Senate fighting in support of survivors. Last year, Shaheen urged fellow lawmakers to overcome partisan politics and pass the VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act. After her speech, the Senate approved the measure unanimously and President Biden signed the bill into law. The legislation redirects monetary penalties from federal deferred prosecution and non-prosecution agreements into the CVF in order to provide continued support for state victim compensation and assistance programs. Through her leadership on the CJS Appropriations Subcommittee, Shaheen has historically bolstered resources for the CVF.  

Shaheen also helped secure $489 million for the Legal Services Corporation, which is the largest funder of civil legal aid in the country with counsel on family law, domestic violence, housing and financial fraud.   

Increased Funding for the Economic Development Administration and Trade 

Senator Shaheen secured $373.5 million for the Economic Development Administration (EDA), which awards infrastructure and planning grants to communities around the country. This level is an increase of $24.5 million above last year’s funding level. It’s estimated this funding will generate $3.3 billion in local and private investment and support more than 28,500 American jobs this year. The Senator previously opposed efforts by the Trump administration to reduce or eliminate funding for the EDA, which has recently awarded grants to Granite State communities for a wide variety of projects ranging from flood control infrastructure in Plymouth to economic development projects in the Monadnock region. The EDA funding also includes $4.5 million to assist communities recovering from biomass plant closures. 

Shaheen also secured $1.5 million for the Bureau of Economic Analysis to continue the annual assessment of the economic value of the outdoor recreation industry – a key sector supporting local economies across New Hampshire. This report, which was created as a result of the enactment of the Senator’s Outdoor REC Act, provides a comprehensive assessment of the role that outdoor recreation plays in supporting jobs and economic growth, allowing policymakers to craft legislation to further support the sector. The bill also provides $570 million for the International Trade Administration (ITA), which promotes American exports, supports small and medium-sized businesses and ensures fair trade practices on the global stage. This marks a $29 million increase above fiscal year 2021. 

Taking Care of Federal Government Employees Affected by Directed Energy Attacks 

Senator Shaheen built on her progress to ensure that all U.S. personnel and their loved ones suffering from anomalous health incidents (AHI) – also known as Havana Syndrome – get the medical attention they deserve. The bill includes legislative language allowing the Department of Commerce and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to address the medical needs of their employees or dependents who are likely victims of these attacks. Absent this language, neither the Department of Commerce nor the FBI would be permitted to provide funding to assist their employees who are AHI victims. Senator Shaheen has been a leader in supporting American public servants who have incurred brain injuries likely from directed energy attacks. In October, the President signed legislation Shaheen helped lead, the Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks (HAVANA Act), into law.

Important Defense and Academic Research Opportunities 

Senator Shaheen, also a senior member of the Senate Armed Service Committee, supported the inclusion of several Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) priorities to explore cold weather and terrain research, as well as facilities modernization. The bill includes $4.5 million for frost heaves effects monitoring, $3 million for cold weather military research and $5 million for cold weather energy research. New Hampshire institutions have historically benefitted from CRREL opportunities, including partnerships between the Army and Dartmouth College and the University of New Hampshire on cold weather research projects. In May, Shaheen announced $5,237,915 for an Army facility in Hanover from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CRREL through the System of Systems Consortium.

Investments in Science and to Advance U.S. Space Exploration 

Shaheen secured the largest increase to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 12 years. NSF is funded at $8.84 billion – $351 million higher than last year’s level. This funding will support U.S. competitiveness in key areas like quantum computing, artificial intelligence and climate science, as well as help build an innovative workforce fueled by a diverse pipeline of scientists and engineers. Shaheen also helped secure $1.23 billion for NIST to invest in STEM programs that improve competitiveness of domestic manufacturers and strengthen domestic supply chains. 

To support America’s continued leadership in space, Shaheen helped secure $24 billion for NASA. This is $770 million higher than the fiscal year 2021 level and will support climate research, space missions and the scientific operations of the powerful James Webb Space Telescope. The bill also includes funding to support the International Space Station and return humans to the Moon. In addition, within the $7.6 billion Shaheen secured for NASA Science, $777.9 million is for NASA Heliophysics, an increase of $26.9 million above the fiscal year 2021 level. The University of New Hampshire is a leading heliophysics research institution, with instruments on 16 of 22 operating heliophysics missions.

Robust Funding for Diabetes Research, Treatment and Prevention 

As Co-Chair of the Senate Diabetes Caucus, Senator Shaheen has long led efforts in the U.S. Senate in support of diabetes research, treatment and prevention. The FY22 funding legislation includes $33.3 million in funding for the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP), which is $4 million above previous funding levels. 

Highest Funding Level Ever for the Northern Border Regional Commission

Senator Shaheen helped secure $35 million for the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC), which is a $5 million increase above the FY2021 funding level and the highest the program has ever been funded. The NBRC helps address community and economic development needs throughout the Northern Forest region. In 2018, Senator Shaheen’s bipartisan legislation to extend the authorization of the NBRC and expand its reach to include Cheshire County and communities in Belknap County was included in the Farm Bill, which was signed into law. 

Language in the FY2022 funding bill provides NBRC $4 million to address the needs of rural communities impacted by forest product plant closures. The legislation also directs $1 million to the State Capacity Building Grant Program, which was established by Shaheen in 2018 to improve the region’s capacity for business retention and expansion, and $5 million for broadband initiatives to increase access to high-speed broadband, and other critical infrastructure. Finally, the legislation includes language from Shaheen directing the NBRC to develop criteria for the prioritization of infrastructure projects that incorporate planning for climate resiliency. The bipartisan infrastructure bill that Shaheen helped negotiate and that was signed into law last year provided a direct appropriation of $150 million to the NBRC to remain available until expended. 

Bolstered Resources for NH Airports 

Senator Shaheen worked to include $554 million for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants, which also receives funding through the Airport and Airway Administration Trust Fund. This complements Shaheen’s work on the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which has since been signed into law and directs $15 billion for AIP grants, supporting 15 New Hampshire airports to address airport safety, capacity, security and environmental concerns. 

Prioritization of Portsmouth-Piscataqua River Project 

Senator Shaheen helped procure $8.3 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) to complete necessary infrastructure projects in New Hampshire and across the country. This is $548 million above last year’s funding level and includes funding for small harbors that require off-cycle, emergency dredging, like those in New Hampshire. Shaheen also included report language urging the Corps to expedite maintenance of small and low-use ports that have experienced unexpected levels of deterioration since their last dredging. This language is to help ensure the Corps continues to monitor and address shoaling within Portsmouth Harbor and problem areas further up along the Piscataqua River. Last January, Shaheen announced that the Portsmouth Harbor and Piscataqua River navigation improvement project was included in the Corp’s FY21 work plan, following her urging and repeated efforts to secure critical funding for the Corps. Shaheen’s success in urging the Corps to prioritize the Portsmouth-Piscataqua River Project followed her successful efforts to push the Corps to complete dredging of Rye and Hampton-Seabrook Harbors. 

Continued Support for Research and Development in Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Programs 

Senator Shaheen worked to secure over $3.2 billion for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), which is an increase of over $336 million above last year’s funding level. This includes $313 million for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) – $3 million over previous funding levels – a program long-championed by Senator Shaheen that helps to lower energy costs for low-income families by making energy efficiency modifications to their homes. The bill provides $63 million for the State Energy Program, which is an increase of $500,000, as well as $10 million for new Build Back Better Challenge grants and $20 million for Energy Future grants for communities.  Shaheen also included report language directing the Department of Energy to issue WAP and SEP grants to states in full no later than 60 days after funds are appropriated.

The bill also provides $3.8 billion for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which is a $50 million increase above last year’s appropriation. New Hampshire has already received record LIHEAP funding this winter to assist Granite State families with home heating bills, efficiency upgrades and emergency situations.

Military and Humanitarian Assistance for Ukraine 

As Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, Shaheen pushed for the inclusion of $13.6 billion in military and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine in response to Russia’s unprovoked and premeditated invasion. 

In addition to this military and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, Shaheen also supported the inclusion of $59.4 million for the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute sanctions violations, cyber threats and ransomware related to the Russian threat and war in Ukraine, including efforts to combat kleptocracy. She also worked to include $22.1 million for the Bureau of Industry and Security within the Department of Commerce for enhanced export control enforcement, economic and trade-based analysis and increased coordination with allies’ and partner countries’ control authorities. As Chair of the CJS appropriations subcommittee, she oversees congressional appropriations for both the Department of Justice and the Department of Commerce. 

Shaheen has led action in the U.S. Senate in support of Ukraine in response to Vladimir Putin’s belligerence against Ukraine, which also threatens the stability and security of Eastern Europe and NATO allies. Last month, Shaheen led a successful bipartisan effort with Portman to pass a resolution that conveys a renewed and overwhelmingly bipartisan message from the U.S. Senate in fierce support of Ukraine. In January, Shaheen and Portman led a bipartisan delegation to Ukraine, where they met with President Zelenskyy and members of his administration. 

Senator Shaheen has long led efforts in the Senate to hold Russia accountable for its malign activity against the U.S. and its allies. Because of her role as a negotiator on Russia sanctions legislation known as “CAATSA” and her successful efforts to ban Kaspersky Lab software from operating on U.S. systems, Shaheen was sanctioned by the Kremlin in 2017. Before the Shaheen-Portman congressional delegation visit to Ukraine in January, Shaheen led a bipartisan group of lawmakers to Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, last June.

Reauthorize Afghan Special Immigrant Visas and Ensure Proper Oversight over Afghanistan Operations 

As the lead in the Senate for the continuation of the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program, Shaheen supported the inclusion of authority and direction for the Secretary of State to use the funding in this legislation to eliminate processing backlogs and expedite the adjudication of Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) cases. 

Senator Shaheen historically partnered with Senator John McCain (R-AZ) on efforts to protect Afghans who’ve risked their lives to support U.S. diplomatic efforts abroad by strengthening the Afghan SIV program. She continues to lead bipartisan efforts in Congress to reauthorize additional Afghan SIVs. Last year, the President signed into law key provisions from the Afghan Allies Protection Act, a bill led by Shaheen and Senator Ernst, as part of spending legislation. Their legislation helps protect the Afghan civilians who risked their lives to support the U.S. mission in Afghanistan. 

Implementation of Shaheen Legislation to Bolster Women’s Leadership in Peace Negotiations & Conflict Resolution 

In 2017, Senator Shaheen’s bipartisan legislation with Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), the Women, Peace and Security Act, was signed into law, requiring the U.S. Government to actively work to promote the meaningful participation of women in conflict prevention and peace negotiations—for the first time. To complement this mandate, Shaheen has secured funding for the last three years to implement key provisions of that bill at the Pentagon. This year, Shaheen has yet again secured a record amount, $14.5 million, for implementation at each of the U.S. Combatant Commands and defense cooperation activities with partner nations to streamline women, peace and security priorities at the Department of Defense. The Women, Peace and Security Act ensures the United States continues to advocate for women’s inclusion and engagement in security activities to prevent, moderate and resolve violent conflict—worldwide and at home. The funding legislation includes $135 million for the development and implementation of a multi-year strategy on women, peace and security, which is $5 million above previous funding levels.

Shaheen also advocated for continued attention to other areas to support women’s equality worldwide. Shaheen supported the inclusion of $200 million for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund to promote women’s economic empowerment, as well as $50 million to support women’s leadership and $175 million to prevent and respond to gender-based violence globally.
