A Proven Consensus Builder, Ketanji Brown Jackson Receives Broad Support From Across The Political Spectrum

Source: United States Senator for Illinois Dick Durbin


Writes one Bush-appointed judge: “[S]he is as highly credentialed and experienced in the law as any nominee in history… Republicans, in particular, should vote to confirm Judge Jackson.”

WASHINGTON – Since the day President Biden announced his intention to nominate Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court, support for her nomination has flooded in.  The Senate Judiciary Committee has received—and continues to receive—glowing support letters for her, highlighting her fair and evenhanded approach; her track record of collegiality and consensus-building; and her qualifications and preparedness to serve on our nation’s highest court.

The examples outlined below are just some of the many statements of support the Committee has received for Judge Jackson.

Conservative support for Judge Jackson


Former George W. Bush-appointed D.C. Circuit Judge Thomas Griffith: “Judge Jackson has a demonstrated record of excellence, and I believe, based upon her work as a trial judge when I served on the Court of Appeals, that she will adjudicate based on the facts and the law and not as a partisan.” LINK

Former George H.W. Bush-appointed Fourth Circuit Judge Michael Luttig: “Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is eminently qualified to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. Indeed, she is as highly credentialed and experienced in the law as any nominee in history… Republicans, in particular, should vote to confirm Judge Jackson.” LINK

Two dozen conservatives and former Republican-appointed officials: “While some of us might differ concerning particular positions she has taken as a judge, we are united in our view that she is exceptionally well-qualified, given her breadth of experience, demonstrated ability, and personal attributes of intellect and character. Indeed, we think that her confirmation on a consensus basis would strengthen the Court and the nation in important ways.” LINK

Prominent Republican lawyer William Burck: “I strongly support Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court. I have known Judge Jackson since we clerked for different justices during the 1999-2000 Supreme Court term… As a Republican, I hope Judge Jackson will garner substantial bipartisan support because she deserves to be judged on her personal merits which overwhelmingly weigh in favor of confirmation. No serious person can question her qualifications to the Court and to my mind her judicial philosophy is well within the mainstream.” LINK


President of the American Law Institute (ALI) and former U.S. District Court Judge David Levi: “[Judge Jackson’s] record as a judge, particularly as a trial judge, shows her to be a careful, enormously capable judicial officer who understands the role of a judge and has the skills and personal qualities to excel in the position…. What is important to me is that the nominee has the ability and temperament to excel as a judge and that the nominee shows an understanding that, in our system, a good judge must be neutral, nonpartisan, exercise self?restraint, model civility, and approach each case with an open mind and with the determination to reach as just, wise, and correct a result as possible. Based on what I know of Judge Jackson, from her record on the bench and my own interactions with her at the American Law Institute, I believe she has been that kind of a judge and will be that kind of a Justice. I am therefore pleased to support her nomination.” LINK

Law enforcement support and statements for Judge Jackson


The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) National President, Patrick Yoes: “From our analysis of Judge Jackson’s record and some of her cases, we believe she has considered the facts and applied the law consistently and fairly on a range of issues. There is little doubt that she has the temperament, intellect, legal experience, and family background to have earned this appointment. We are reassured that, should she be confirmed, she would approach her future cases with an open mind and treat issues related to law enforcement fairly and justly.” LINK


The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP): “[W]hen the IACP chooses to support an individual, we do not take it lightly, and take into careful consideration their background, experience, and previous opinions issued as they relate to law enforcement and criminal justice issues… During her time as a judge, she has displayed her dedication to ensuring that our communities are safe and that the interests of justice are served. We believe that Judge Jackson’s years of experience have shown she has the temperament and qualifications to serve as the next Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. The IACP urges the Judiciary Committee, and the members of the United States Senate, to confirm Judge Jackson’s nomination.” LINK


63 top law enforcement officials, including Chief Charles Ramsey, Dwayne Crawford (Exec. Director of NOBLE), and Fred Fletcher (former Chief of Police in Chattanooga, Tennessee): “As members of the law enforcement community, we write in recognition of Judge Jackson’s strong, effective and long-standing role in criminal justice issues… Judge Jackson comes from a law enforcement family. Such direct familiarity with the experiences and challenges of law enforcement enriches her understanding of criminal justice issues… In sum, as law enforcement leaders, we offer our recognition of Judge Jackson’s strong qualifications to serve the nation’s highest court and urge her historic confirmation to proceed without delay.” LINK


Almost 60 former Department of Justice Officials, including Loretta Lynch, David Ogden, and Sally Yates: “We prosecutors can tell you how important it is to have skilled lawyers serving as Public Defenders—and Judge Jackson was among the most skilled and the most dedicated. She has been even-handed in her treatment of the defense and prosecution alike when she has ruled in criminal cases. Her appreciation for how the criminal justice system works would be a critical addition to the Court.” LINK


86 bipartisan former state Attorneys General: “As former Attorneys General who served as the chief legal officer of our respective states and jurisdictions, we comprise a diverse group of individuals with differing legal backgrounds and experiences with our justice system… We understand and appreciate the qualifications and background that nominees for the Supreme Court should possess, and Judge Jackson has them all.” LINK


Former fellow Supreme Court clerk support for Judge Jackson


Twenty-five of Judge Jackson’s fellow clerks during the Supreme Court’s October Term 1999—including those who clerked for justices such as Clarence Thomas and Sandra Day O’Connor: “We have followed many different paths since our clerkships in, among other things, private practice, government service, academia, and business, and we hold diverse points of view on politics, judicial philosophy, and much else. Yet we all support Judge Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court because we know her to be eminently qualified for this role in intellect, character, and experience.” LINK


Groups and organizations support for Judge Jackson


U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: “The American people cannot wait. We urge the U.S. Senate to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court immediately. She is capable and ready to get to work to serve our justice system for all Americans. Her excellence and leadership will deliver equitable justice to America’s more than 63.5 million Latinos/as.” LINK


35 prominent crime victims, survivors, and advocates: “Many of us have personal experience as victims and survivors of crime, and all have long been advocates and providers of critical assistance services to crime victims and survivors… Judge Brown Jackson not only meets but greatly exceeds the qualifications for this position… Judge Brown Jackson’s nomination has earned widespread support from those representing the full spectrum of political and legal philosophies. We join with them in strongly urging the confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as Associate Supreme Court Justice.” LINK

U.S. Black Chambers: “It is long overdue for a Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, and it is rare to find such a brilliant, thoughtful, and uniquely qualified legal mind such as Judge Jackson’s to address the 21st century’s most pressing domestic legal questions. Your committee has the once-in-a-generation opportunity to not only make history, but in so doing, to also elevate an exceptional candidate to the highest court in the land. It is because of this that the USBC is proud to support Judge Jackson’s nomination and again urges her swift confirmation.” LINK

National Education Association (NEA): “Judge Jackson has garnered respect and recognition across partisan and ideological lines, and received broad support from the Senate for several high-level appointments… Our public schools, educators, students and their families are facing tremendous challenges. We need a Supreme Court whose lived experience reflects all of America, a court that understands how its rulings impact people’s daily lives. Help make our country more just and fair: Support the confirmation of Judge Jackson to the United States Supreme Court.” LINK


Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ACE): “Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is exceptionally qualified and has devoted the majority of her successful career to serving the public… National ACE celebrates this historic nomination and looks forward to a timely and bipartisan process to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.” LINK
