Ernst to President Biden: “Send the MiGs. Arm our Ukrainian friends now.”

Source: United States Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a combat veteran and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, urged the Biden administration to act immediately and arm the Ukrainian people with additional lethal aid—including MiG-29 fighter jets—and backfill NATO allies.

Ernst reiterated that the United States stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and commended the Ukrainian people for their resolve in the face of Vladimir Putin’s brutal assault on their sovereign nation.

Click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Ernst’s remarks.
Today, Ernst and Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) led 40 of their colleagues in calling on President Biden to work with Poland and our NATO allies to expedite the transfer of aircraft and air defense systems, as well as additional support capabilities, to Ukraine.
Earlier this week, Ernst introduced new legislation that would allow the Secretary of Defense to immediately transfer aircrafts, weapons, equipment, and additional defense support capabilities sitting in warehouses across the world—including provisions meant for Afghanistan—to Ukraine.
Ernst recently penned an op-ed calling for the need to provide Ukraine with additional lethal aid, writing in part: “It’s past time our president and our Congress take more action to support the defense of Ukraine.”