Rubio Reintroduces Bills to Protect Small Business From Burdensome Regulations

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) reintroduced two bills to protect America’s small businesses and improve the Small Business Administration (SBA). Rubio first introduced the bills in January 2019. 
The Hearing Small Business Act would protect small businesses from burdensome regulations by requiring more government agencies to consider feedback from small businesses in the rulemaking process. Congressman Greg Steube (R-FL) plans to introduce companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives. 
The Advocacy Empowerment Act would ensure proper authority for SBA’s Office of Advocacy as it works to enact government-wide regulatory reform.
“Small businesses employ millions of Americans and are the cornerstone of our economy,” Rubio said. “These bills would ensure that small businesses have a voice in the regulatory process and make certain the SBA is equipped to advocate on their behalf across the government.”
“Florida’s 2.5 million small businesses are suffering at the expense of out-of-control Washington regulations,” Steube said. “Federal agencies enact many unnecessary and burdensome rules that impede the success of small businesses all over the country. This bill seeks to ensure that the opinions and concerns of small businesses are considered in federal agencies’ rulemaking processes. By expanding SBREFA panels, small businesses across the country will be able to provide input on the impacts of potential regulations and rules before they are enacted. We must give small business owners a meaningful and important voice in the regulatory process.”