Graham Resolution Supports Ukraine Complaint Urging Investigation Of Putin As War Criminal

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Lindsey Graham

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today introduced a Senate resolution calling for Vladimir Putin and members of the Russian regime to be held accountable for the numerous acts of war, aggression, and human rights abuses that have been conducted under his watch.

The Graham resolution:

  • Strongly condemns the ongoing violence, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and systematic human rights abuses continually being carried out by the Russian Armed Forces and their proxies and President Putin’s military commanders, at the direction of President Vladimir Putin.
  • Encourages nations to take any and all action to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Russian Security Council, the Russian Armed Forces and their proxies, and President Putin’s military commanders, at the direction of President Vladimir Putin.
  • Supports any investigation into war crimes, crimes against humanity, and systematic human rights abuses levied by President Vladimir Putin, the Russian Security Council, the Russian Armed Forces and their proxies, and President Putin’s military commanders.
  • Encourages the United States Government and partner nations to use its voice, vote, and influence in international institutions in which they are members to hold President Vladimir Putin, the Russian Security Council, the Russian Armed Forces and their proxies, and President Putin’s military commanders accountable for their sponsorship of ongoing violence, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and systematic human rights abuses.

“Dictators like Putin care only about themselves and their cronies,” said Graham. “This resolution supports Ukraine’s war crimes complaint to the International Criminal Court and is a chance to change behavior to stop Putin’s madness. The resolution supports the investigation of Putin as a war criminal and urges the ICC and ICJ to expand their investigation to include Russian military commanders carrying out the war crimes.” 

“If the United States Senate supports the Ukrainian complaint, I believe other nations will join,” said Graham. “It will be the first step in decades to make the consequences of his actions real to Putin. 

“Putin has destroyed the Rule of Law in Russia, jailing his opponents and killing those who dissent. The ICC is a venue to bring bad actors to justice in those areas where the Rule of Law is absent as they did in the Balkan War during the 1990s.” 

“Finally, one reason history repeats itself is that we fail to learn from the mistakes of the past,” said Graham. “I can only imagine what would have changed if in the 1930s the world had spoken forcefully to condemn Hitler for his atrocities within Germany and surrounding areas. We have a chance to chart a new path with this resolution.”


Resolution Text