Sen. Cramer Releases Statement Ahead of Biden’s State of the Union Address

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) issued the following statement ahead of President Biden’s first State of the Union address:

“Here’s what I want to hear from President Biden, but I’m not holding my breath.

“The very first thing he needs to say is an apology, ‘I’m sorry for the last year.’

“‘Build back better is dead once and for all. I promise not to bring it up again. Ramming two partisan reconciliation bills through Congress is the opposite of unity. Clearly, the country needs to come together. We need all sides working together so we’re going to be looking for common ground and true compromise moving forward.’

“‘I’m calling on oil and gas producers in the United States to ramp up their production to pre-pandemic levels and rescinding every executive order and regulation I’ve issued that stands in the way of American energy dominance including the Keystone XL pipeline. And I will never again grovel to Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and the rest of the OPEC+ cartel to increase their output. We have to meet the demand of the world and not rely on Russia or other bad actors. 

“‘I’m lifting all the draconian mandates related to the COVID-19 pandemic and we’re going to finish building the wall to secure our southern border.’

“This would be a good and much-needed start to deal with the real crises created by his presidency thus far. This is a plan for the reality of 2022, not a 2050 fantasy.”