Rubio Joins Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China in Releasing Statement on the Anniversary of the Charging of the Hong Kong 47

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined 59 lawmakers from the United States, Europe, India, and Australia, all members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), in signing a statement calling for the release of 47 Hong Kong pro-democracy politicians and activists on the one year anniversary of their charge and detention. The 47 were charged under Beijing’s draconian National Security Law.
The statement says that the arrests demonstrate “beyond any doubt the Chinese government’s intent to use the National Security Law to wipe out all forms of political opposition in Hong Kong” and highlights concern at the lengthy detention of those charged – with only 14 of the 47 granted bail. The lawmakers call on their governments to impose sanctions on Chinese government officials and to provide a route to resettlement for those fleeing Hong Kong.   
IPAC is an international cross party group of legislators pushing for democratic countries to take a tougher stance on China. Rubio is a Co-Chair of IPAC.
“There is no justification for the arrest of the Hong Kong 47. Their continued mass detention shows that General Secretary Xi Jinping will show no mercy in his rush to crush democracy in Hong Kong and elsewhere,” Rubio commented. “One year on, the Chinese Communist Party and Hong Kong authorities continue to violate international laws in Hong Kong with impunity. Beijing must be held to account.”
For a full list of signatories, click here
“Today marks one year since the charging of 47 pro-democracy politicians and activists in Hong Kong for taking part in primary elections ahead of the postponed Legislative Council elections. 
“The arrests demonstrated beyond any doubt the Chinese government’s intent to use the National Security Law to wipe out all forms of political opposition in Hong Kong. Since then, the Hong Kong authorities have forced the shutdown of all major opposition news outlets, forced trade unions and civil society groups to disband and rigged a sham election with pro-democracy candidates barred from standing. 
“One year on, only 14 of the 47 charged have been granted bail, with substantive legal proceedings repeatedly delayed. All of the 47 face the prospect of life imprisonment under the spurious charge of conspiracy to commit subversion under the National Security Law. 
“The arbitrary detention, politically motivated charges and prospect of draconian punishment for the 47 demonstrates how far the Chinese government has reneged on its obligations under international law to uphold Hong Kong’s freedoms and autonomy.
“On this solemn anniversary, we call on our governments to: 

  • Demand the Chinese and Hong Kong authorities end the arbitrary detention of the 47 and drop politically motivated charges against them;
  • Impose sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials responsible for the abuse of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong;
  • Provide dedicated routes for those fleeing persecution in Hong Kong to resettle in our countries, including for those born after the 1997 handover.”