Portman Statement on the Latest Developments Regarding Russia’s Illegal Assault on Ukraine

Source: United States Senator for Ohio Rob Portman

February 24, 2022 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) released the following statement on the latest developments regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:

“The events of the past 24 hours are tragic for the people of Ukraine and the democratic world order that has kept the peace in Europe for more than 80 years. Russia’s actions are an illegal, unjustifiable assault on Ukraine. This unwarranted brutality will kill thousands of innocent people and create a massive humanitarian crisis. President Putin’s justification for this attack, to “de-Nazify” Ukraine, along with his comments about the illegitimacy of the sovereign nations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, is cause for further alarm.

“The United States should lead the international community to hold Russia accountable for this tragedy.

“I have been clear that I supported pre-invasion sanctions. I believed they were warranted and would have been appropriate for the malign actions Russia committed prior to the current invasion.

“I now call on the Biden administration to lead the world in the strongest sanctions possible, to include sanctions on Russian banks, key oligarchs and President Putin and his associates. We must also impose strong export controls to significantly limit Russia’s access to technology, including semiconductors, which are vital to both Russia’s economy and their military.

“I am encouraged that the United States is beginning to work with not just with our European allies, but also our friends in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, and Singapore on a coordinated export control response. Combined, these countries account for over 70% of the world semiconductor production. A ban will have a significant impact on Russia’s ability to arm and resupply its military and other sectors which support its malign actions.

“It is unacceptable that Russia currently chairs the United Nations Security Council, at the same time it is in flagrant violation of the UN Charter.  It is a travesty that Russia presided over the Council’s meeting, where their ambassador supported this illegal assault. The administration should work with others to remove Russia from the Security Council.

“Congress must also support increased defense spending to enhance our readiness and must provide more military assistance to our NATO Allies in Eastern Europe

“Lastly, Congress should help defend Ukraine and the United States from cyber warfare from Russia. Among other things, Congress should immediately pass our three bipartisan bills designed to counter cyber warfare, the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act, FISMA (Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2022) and FedRAMP Authorization Act of 2022. These would help protect the U.S. from cyber warfare. As we have seen from Russia’s cyber-attacks on Ukraine, the threat is very real and we must be prepared if Russia attempts to turn these cyber weapons on the United States. 

“We stand with the people of Ukraine, who have sought a democratic and independent future — free from tyranny. This dream is now under attack by a brutal dictator who seeks to remake Europe and disrupt the international order that has kept the peace since WWII.

“Our prayers go out to the people of Ukraine during this dark time.”
