Van Hollen Statement on Russian Decision to Expand Its Attack on Ukraine

Source: United States Senator for Maryland Chris Van Hollen

February 23, 2022

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding Putin’s decision to expand Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

“Vladimir Putin’s decision to expand Russia’s attack on the people and territory of Ukraine will cause massive human suffering. He will have blood on his hands. 

“As President Biden has made clear: we must answer this attack immediately with comprehensive and punishing economic sanctions imposed by every member of NATO, our other European partners, and freedom-supporting nations around the world. I wholeheartedly support the Administration’s actions so far – and now is a time to go further and deploy our toughest economic sanctions. The United States and our allies must also provide the Ukrainian resistance with the weapons they need to fight Russian occupation. And we should continue taking action to reinforce NATO troops in the frontline states. I am thankful for the American and allied service members who are already providing vital support. 

“We stand with the people of Ukraine against this cold-blooded and unprovoked aggression. Putin must be made to rue the day he unleashed this unprovoked violence in the heart of Europe. We must ensure that his action is remembered as an epic miscalculation.”