Senators Braun, Lankford, Rep. Roy demand US government recognize natural immunity

Source: United States Senator Mike Braun (Indiana)

WASHINGTON —Today, Senator Braun and Senator Lankford introduced the Natural Immunity Transparency Act in the Senate to require the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide critical data to Congress on the efficacy of natural immunity from COVID-19. Representative Chip Roy introduced the companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

“Just last month, the CDC released data that demonstrated natural immunity was 3-4 times as effective in preventing COVID-19 compared with vaccination. The Biden Administration needs to release the full data on natural immunity from HHS instead of imposing heavy-handed mandates and confusing guidance that have gotten in the way of our recovery. Americans deserve full transparency and answers.”—Senator Mike Braun

“The Biden Administration is so obsessed with their vaccine mandates that they refuse to even evaluate or release information on those who have acquired natural immunity to COVID-19. Natural immunity is a component of reducing the spread of COVID-19, along with vaccines. We simply want the Biden Administration to provide the American people with the most accurate natural immunity data, so Americans can make their own decisions and better understand the reality of our current COVID circumstances. Let’s truly ‘follow the science,’ and ensure the Administration’s guidance is in line with all available natural immunity studies.”—Senator James Lankford

“The Biden administration and their public health ‘experts’ have made it abundantly clear that they will prioritize government power over personal freedom every time when it comes to COVID policy. They are either unwilling to provide, or negligently not tracking, critical information to the American people on natural immunity acquired from a previous COVID infection while pushing unconstitutional and wrong-headed vaccine mandates with the power of government. The American people deserve answers and honest information, which is why we need the Natural Immunity Transparency Act — to force HHS to collect and report to Congress data on natural immunity.” –Rep. Chip Roy


HHS has yet to disclose any public data regarding the effectiveness of natural immunity from COVID-19.

This bill would require HHS to report to Congress the following:

  • The number of unvaccinated individuals who recovered from a COVID-19 infection and: died from COVID-19; were hospitalized from COVID-19; had an additional case of COVID-19; and spread the virus to another person.
  • The number of individuals who received the recommended doses of the vaccine who: died from COVID-19; were hospitalized from COVID-19; or had a “breakthrough case” of COVID-19.

Read the full bill text HERE
