Sen. Cramer Honors Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem on What’s On Your Mind

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined Scott Hennen on What’s On Your Mind today to honor the life and service of North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem. Excerpts from the conversation can be found below. 

“He was the same guy last week that he was back then, which is the greatest testimony to public service. When you accomplish as much as Wayne has accomplished, and you reach the pinnacle of your service and you’re still that same guy that represented the University of North Dakota district in Grand Forks, that says it all about Wayne Stenehjem. He’s among the very elite attorneys general in the country.

“What a gut punch it has been. As I got up this morning and was praying about it, there’s just this massive emptiness. This hole is going to be very difficult to fill at a very personal level for his family and closest friends and at a much larger level because thousands of people knew Wayne. Thousands more, really millions, were impacted by Wayne’s good work, particularly in the Attorney General’s office.

“We have an incredible legacy in Wayne Stenehjem that we can celebrate. In the context of eternity, our life is the snap of a finger, but in the context of history, Wayne’s contributions are going to be massive and longstanding.

“His work on the Clean Water Act and Waters of the U.S. is monumental. His work was so impressive. What’s so unique about Wayne, he’s not one of those grandstanders. He’s not one of those state attorneys general that seeks to get on Fox News by bluster. He always worked quietly, he always worked cheerfully, but he always worked diligently and intellectually with great respect for the law and Constitution and much more respect for good outcomes than personal benefit. Because of that Wayne had an incredible, successful career that he earned.

“He smiled all the time. If he didn’t, you knew you were in trouble (and deserved it). But that was very rare. He really was a fun-loving person.

“He knew what to take seriously and what to enjoy. His balance of life is why he endeared so many people. I often thought if Wayne had chosen a career in practicing law outside of government, he would have been an extremely wealthy lawyer because he’s so disarming with his personality, his joyfulness, and his humor.

“My sorrow and sympathy for Beth, Andrew, and the entire family, which was always growing because everybody wanted to be part of the Stenehjem clan, and rightfully so. 

“God bless his memory.”


On Friday, January 28, North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem passed away. Stenehjem was the longest-serving attorney general in North Dakota history, holding the position for 21 years. He also served in the North Dakota Legislature for 24 years.