Sen. Cramer Statement on Democrats’ Partisan Election Takeover Bill, Attempt to Undermine Integrity of U.S. Senate

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) issued the following statement in response to voting against the Democrats’ partisan election takeover bill. After the bill failed to gain a majority of support in the Senate, the Democrats attempted to eliminate the 60-vote threshold to end debate, in order to ram through their radical agenda, which would silence millions of citizens and entire states. 

“The Democrats have created a fake crisis. These attempts to undermine the integrity of the U.S. Senate are purely designed to tilt the scales in Democrats’ favor for future elections. The Senate is better than this. America is better than this. Existing law already guarantees voting rights to all American citizens and state self-governance is working quite well and as intended,” said Senator Cramer. “It’s unfortunate we’re wasting precious time on the Senate floor amid the very real crises of the Biden Administration including skyrocketing inflation, rampant illegal immigration at the porous southern border, mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the buildup of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border.”

Democrats’ proposals sought to federalize our nation’s elections, neuter voter I.D., force states to legalize ballot harvesting, taxpayer-funded campaigns, turn the FEC into a partisan body, weaken voter registration safeguards, and require states to allow felons to vote, to name a few. Senator Cramer joined ABC News Live last week to discuss the Democrats’ push for voting rights legislation and threats to eliminate the Senate filibuster.