Source: United States Senator for North Dakota John Hoeven
Includes More than $20 Million for Maintenance at Lake Sakakawea and Garrison Dam
WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today announced more than $35 million in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ funding that he worked to secure for water management and sewer projects across North Dakota. This comes in addition to the $437 million and $61.45 million awards that Hoeven announced earlier today for flood protection projects in the Red River Valley and Souris River Valley, respectively. Further, the awards include $20.15 million for maintenance of Corps facilities at Garrison Dam and Lake Sakakawea, including recreation areas.
Hoeven recently advanced this priority in a letter to Colonel Himes, Commander of the Army Corps’ Omaha District, as well as in a meeting with Brigadier General Peter Helmlinger, Commander of the Army Corps’ Northwestern Division. The senator also worked to include report language in annual appropriations legislation directing the Corps to work with local stakeholders on a long-term sustainable plan to restore and maintain recreational facilities near Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe.
“This is an important investment that will enable the Corps to maintain Garrison Dam and make needed updates to recreational areas at Lake Sakakawea,” said Hoeven.
Details of the additional funding awards are below:
Operations, Maintenance & Construction Funding
- Sheldon Road Bridge – $745,000
- Lake Ashtabula and Baldhill Dam – $300,000
Section 594 Program for Small & Rural Communities
- Aneta Water and Sanitary Sewer Project – $4,887,500
- Enderlin Water Supply – $3,800,000
- Cando Sanitary Sewer System Replacement – $3,275,000
- City of Medina Water and Wastewater Phase II Improvements – $2,250,000
As a member of the Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations Committee, Hoeven has worked to support funding for the Corps Section 594 program, which has previously supported needed upgrades to rural water and sewer systems in communities like Kindred, LaMoure, Petersburg and Medina.
“Funds announced today by the Army Corps of Engineers are investments in communities across North Dakota,” said Hoeven. “Whether to manage water levels or ensure clean water for communities, projects like these are critical to our quality of life. Today’s funding helps ensure these systems are updated and can serve families and businesses in the region for years to come.”