Source: United States Senator for Michigan Gary Peters
DETROIT, MI – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) today released a video to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:
“Today, we commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the activism he inspired, and the world he shaped for future generations,” said Senator Peters. “We have endured unprecedented challenges over the past two years – from economic hardships to social and political polarization. But we can never lose sight of the dream that Dr. King instilled in us all.”
“We cannot let setbacks and challenges derail us from making Dr. King’s dream a reality for families all across Michigan and our country. We cannot allow the very bedrock of our democracy – the right to vote – to erode before our eyes,” Peters continued. “That’s why passing voting rights legislation into law, including the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, is absolutely vital for protecting every American’s right to make their voices heard.”
To watch video of Senator Peters’ remarks, click here.
Below is the text of Senator Peters’ remarks, as prepared for delivery:
“Hello, I’m U.S. Senator Gary Peters. Today, we commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the activism he inspired, and the world he shaped for future generations.
“We have endured unprecedented challenges over the past two years – from economic hardships to social and political polarization. But we can never lose sight of the dream that Dr. King instilled in us all.
“He said, ‘We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.’
“Together, we can create the world built from justice and righteousness that Dr. King dreamt of – where unarmed truth prevails and love triumphs hate.
“We cannot let setbacks and challenges derail us from making Dr. King’s dream a reality for families all across Michigan and our country. And we cannot allow the very bedrock of our democracy – the right to vote – to erode before our eyes. We must safeguard our democracy against efforts that are seeking to undermine access to the ballot box.
“When Dr. King shouted from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial – ‘give us the ballot’ – he knew how the power of voting could make meaningful, positive change. That’s why passing voting rights legislation into law, including the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, is absolutely vital for protecting every American’s right to make their voices heard.”