Heinrich Honors Legacy Of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Source: United States Senator for New Mexico Martin Heinrich

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) released the following statement in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which falls on Monday, January 17:

“On this Martin Luther King Day, we should all pause to reflect on all that Dr. King and his fellow leaders in the Civil Rights Movement sacrificed and fought for so that we could have a more perfect union.

“At this moment, we are facing similar threats to what Dr. King called on his generation of political leaders to address. There are State Legislatures across the country making it harder for many of us to exercise our right to vote. Too many Americans still face discrimination and hatred based on the color of their skin, who they love, or how they worship. We still have work ahead of us and resources we must invest if we are ever going to adequately address the unacceptable and long-running disparities in health, education, and economic outcomes. 

“As we continue to face our generation’s daunting challenges, we would all do well to look to Dr. King’s example of moral leadership. He taught us to engage in our nation’s history truthfully, to not shy away from the fight to advance equality and opportunity, and to keep striving to build a country where all Americans thrive.

“May we all keep doing our part to move our country toward the vision of community and prosperity in Dr. King’s dream.” 
