Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Lindsey Graham
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made these statements following a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on domestic terrorism.
“I was shocked to hear the responses this morning from the Assistant Attorney General of the National Security Division at the Department of Justice in charge of domestic and international terrorism as well as the responses from the Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch of the FBI who said she had not visited our southern border.
“I appreciate their efforts to prosecute those who defiled our Capitol on January 6, and I’m very supportive of such endeavors. However, this hearing and the answers provided are further examples of the Biden Administration being deaf, dumb and blind to the national security threats we face. Whether it is the collapse of Afghanistan where the Taliban now reign or a completely broken southern border that could be easily penetrated by international terrorists, the Biden Administration is failing.
“It is unacceptable that the National Security Division of the Department of Justice did not know the number of border crossings – which is in the thousands – from special interest countries designated as such because of their ties to terrorism. In addition, dozens of individuals have been apprehended at the southern border who are on terrorist watch lists. Only God knows how many have come across undetected.
“It is imperative that the Biden Administration quickly up its game when it comes to the lethal combination of rising radical Islamic terrorism spawned by the debacle in Afghanistan and a completely unsecured southern border. In my view, it is only a matter of time before international terrorists are able to strike our homeland by penetrating a completely porous southern border.
“I would urge the National Security Division of the Department of Justice to go to the border, coordinate closely with the DHS officials in charge of securing our border, and change the dynamic on the ground before it is too late.”