Dr. Rand Paul Challenges Dr. Fauci on his Authoritarian Claim that he Unilaterally Represents Science

Source: United States Senator for Kentucky Rand Paul

January 11, 2022
 Contact: Press_Paul@paul.senate.gov, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee challenged Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) on his authoritarian claim that he unilaterally represents science
As Dr. Paul said during the hearing:

“The idea that a government official would claim to unilaterally represent science and that any criticism of that official would be considered a criticism of science itself, is quite dangerous.
“Central planning, whether it be of the economy or of science, is risky because of the fallibility of the planner. It would not be so catastrophic if the planner where simply one physician in Peoria, then the mistakes would only affect those patients who chose that physician, but when the planner is a government doctor, who rules by mandate, the errors are compounded and become much more harmful.
“A planner who believes he is “the science,” leads to an arrogance that justifies, in his mind, using government resources to smear and destroy the reputations of other scientists who disagree with him.”

In a recently released email exchange with Dr. Collins, Dr. Fauci conspired, to create “a quick and devastating published takedown of three prominent epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford, Stanford and label them, “fringe.” Instead of engaging with the epidemiologists on merits, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins sought to smear and discredit any questions, opinions, and concerns they had. This is not only antithetical to the scientific method; it is the epitome of cheap politics that Dr. Fauci continues to prioritize over any questions surrounding COVID-19.
You can find Dr. Paul’s full remarks and questions to Dr. Fauci HERE.
