Source: United States Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall
Sen. Marshall Places Friendly Wagers with Sens. Cassidy and Kennedy on Kansas State-LSU
(Washington, D.C., January 4, 2022) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. made friendly wagers with U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy, M.D. (LA) and John Kennedy (LA) ahead of tonight’s Texas Bowl matchup between the Kansas State University Wildcats and the Louisiana State University Tigers. When the Wildcats win, Senator Marshall will receive turtle soup from Senator Cassidy and alligator sausage from Senator Kennedy. Should the Tigers beat the Wildcats, Senator Marshall offered Kansas steaks. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senators Marshall and Cassidy place their friendly wager.
You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senators Marshall and Kennedy place their friendly wager.