Sen. Coons’ statement on the passing of Desmond Tutu

Source: United States Senator for Delaware Christopher Coons

WILMINGTON, Del. — Today, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement on the passing of Desmond Tutu, a South African Anglican archbishop, anti-apartheid leader, and human rights activist.

“Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a source of inspiration and encouragement to me, as he was to millions of others around the world. His deep faith, passion for justice, and lifelong work for liberation and reconciliation both challenged and inspired me as he helped his nation find its way forward with intensity, accountability, and grace.   

“As a young man, I had the chance to volunteer for the South African Council of Churches in Cape Town and Johannesburg for three months, just as the apartheid regime was fighting its hardest to retain power during a ‘state of emergency.’ As Archbishop Tutu directed a nationwide group of advocates and faith leaders with humility, humor, and determination, I saw closeup how he acted tirelessly to advance righteousness with a fierce sense of justice that would help free Nelson Mandela and end apartheid.

“In 2016, I had the blessing of visiting South Africa and Archbishop Tutu again, as part of a pilgrimage with Rep. John Lewis, Kerry Kennedy, and many others hosted by the Faith & Politics Institute. In a memorable lunch meeting, I had a chance to listen as Lewis and Tutu spoke about the struggle to which they had both dedicated their lives and the work that remained ahead.

“Today, Archbishop Tutu has joined Congressman Lewis in eternity, and while their fierce passion for justice and impish good humor may have left us, I hope everyone will pause to reflect on the example they set and the work that remains to be finished.”
