Source: United States Senator for Delaware – Tom Carper
Dear Friend,
I love the holiday season for so many reasons — not least of which because it gives me a chance to spend time with friends and family. But it also gives me time to reflect on the past year. And, in a year full of challenges, it reminds me why I get up and go to work in Washington nearly every day: to fight for families across the First State.
Through the ups and downs of the past year, we made so much progress together. From shots in arms, to getting more Americans back to work, to historic investments in our nation’s infrastructure, thousands of Delawareans — and millions of Americans — will be safer and more secure when they gather around the dinner table this week. And while there’s more we can do in the new year to improve the lives of Americans across the country, I’m proud of where we’ve come.
And as we approach the new year, my hope is that we can work together to address the challenges that we still face as a nation. In Delaware, we can all do our part by ensuring that everyone who’s eligible gets vaccinated. If you haven’t yet, please get vaccinated. If you have, get boosted. Let’s make the pain of the past two years turn to progress and protection, and put this pandemic in our rearview mirror.
As we gather with our loved ones this holiday, let us also be reminded of the brave men and women in uniform protecting our nation overseas, as well as the frontline workers still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic right here at home.
I wish you and all of your families a happy and safe holiday season. May God bless you all.
Happy Holidays,
Tom Carper