ICYMI: Scott Talks Dem Spending, 2021 Highlights and 2022 Agenda

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott

Thursday | December 23, 2021

ASHINGTON – This week, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) joined Leyla Gulen on Fox24 Charleston. Sen. Scott slammed Democrats’ spending, talked legislative highlights of 2021, and laid out his agenda for 2022.

Click to watch part one of the interview  

On Dem Spending … “Well, if you think about their plan, the Build Back Broker (BBB) as I prefer to call it, frankly that’s three trillion dollars of unpaid spending if those programs continue for all 10 years and the likelihood of that is good if they can get it passed. …I hope [what] we’ll see over the next several weeks is no passage of the BBB. That is good news for the American people.”

“Leyla throughout South Carolina whether you’re in Charleston, Union, [or] McCormick South Carolina, the one thing you know is that gas prices have exploded — a 70 percent increase throughout our state. Utilities are up 25 percent if not even more. That is caused by reckless spending from Washington having a negative impact on every single household in the great Palmetto State. We can stop that from exploding again by not spending money we do not have, buying things we simply cannot afford.”

Click to watch part two of the interview

On 2021 Highlights … “Another really impressive issue this year frankly — is our bill that stopped the IRS from being able to peer into our financial accounts. That has been great news frankly — having all 50 Republicans get on that bill in less than 24 hours and then having Joe Manchin and a couple of other Democrats come out and say we can’t do that that’s just ridiculous.”

On His Areas of Focus for 2022 …  “I’m sticking with the less is better agenda. So, we’re going to continue to fight against certain provisions in the BBB — things like that childcare component that I talked about earlier. The average family cannot afford an 80 percent increase in the childcare cost. If we can defeat that provision specifically, we will have empowered parents to keep making the choice for their kids. Education opportunity — this is the closest thing to a civil rights issue we’ll see in our lifetime. Creating parity for poor parents and poor zip codes is job one for us as a nation on the domestic agenda and something that I’ll continue to fight for. Then, continuing to eliminate inflation as well as [preventing] the IRS [from having] more purview into your accounts. Then, if I had to put icing on the cake, I would simply say to take away the disadvantages in the Build Back Broker plan against states like South Carolina.”


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