Warner & Kaine Announce $20 Million in Funding for Virginia Port Authority Offshore Wind Staging Project

Source: United States Senator for Commonwealth of Virginia Mark R Warner

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) today announced that the Virginia Port Authority will receive $20 million in funding from the Department of Transportation for improvements to Portsmouth Marine Terminal that will allow it to serve as a staging area to support the manufacturing and movement of offshore wind goods to support the 2.6 gigawatt Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind commercial project and other commercial offshore wind projects up-and-down the East Coast.

“The Commonwealth of Virginia has firmly established itself as a leader in the burgeoning offshore wind industry in the U.S.,” said the Sens. “This funding is a recognition of the Commonwealth’s leadership in this space and will go a long way towards establishing Virginia as a hub for offshore wind development along the East Coast.”

This funding was awarded through the Department of Transportation’s Port Infrastructure Development Program, a competitive discretionary grant program administered by the Maritime Administration. In September 2021, Warner, Kaine, and Rep. Scott led a Virginia Congressional Delegation letter to Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg in support of the Port’s grant application.
