Sen. Marshall Discusses COVID Booster Shots on FOX Business

Source: United States Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall

Sen. Marshall Discusses COVID Booster Shots on FOX Business

(Washington, D.C., December 21, 2021) U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. was on FOX Business today to discuss the importance of booster shots in the fight against the omicron variant. Senator Marshall said in part, “Please go get your booster if you are a senior citizen, if you are a person with underlying health conditions, or maybe if you’re a little overweight as well…Today we are releasing a bipartisan public service announcement from doctors that are a part of Congress. Again, encouraging people at risk to get the booster shot … I have faith in our doctors, I have faith in our nurses, and I have faith in Americans that they will do the right thing.”
You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s interview.
Today, Senator Marshall led a group of bipartisan doctors in Congress in launching a radio PSAto boost COVID-19 vaccine booster shot participation – especially for seniors and those with underlying health conditions. You may click HERE or on the image below to listen to the PSA.
Senator Marshall recently wrote an opinion piece for Kansas seniors highlighting the importance and science behind prioritizing them when it comes to COVID-19 booster shots. In part Senator Marshall said, “Seniors: talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting your COVID-19 booster shot as soon as possible. With the Delta variant threatening efforts to return to normalcy and preliminary data suggesting COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness may decline after completing your initial shots, the focus on boosters has intensified, and I’ve been fighting to get seniors their COVID-19 booster shots for months… we can’t wait one more day to increase our seniors’ immunity to this horrible virus.” You may click HERE to read the piece in its entirety.
In April, Senator Marshall led a group of doctors and other health care providers in Congress in launching a public service campaign to boost COVID-19 vaccine participation. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the PSA.
