Cassidy Receives Council of Americas Award for Leadership in Latin America

Source: United States Senator for Louisiana Bill Cassidy


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) released the following statement after receiving the Council of Americas (COA) Chairman’s Award for Leadership in the Americas. The Chairman’s award is presented to democratically elected officials who have shown an outstanding commitment to the Western Hemisphere. The award was presented at COA’s annual Washington Conference of the Americas. 

“Market-driven, international trading is the most powerful tool for elevating people out of poverty and balancing the interests of all parties involved,” said Dr. Cassidy. “Prosperity has to be built. To do this, we need a fully functioning market accompanied by the protections necessary to ensure people are not being exploited.”

COA Board Chairman Andrés Gluski said Cassidy uses his deep understanding of the region to “harness the powerful connections among our people, businesses, and societies for the benefit of his state, our nation, and the region.” 
