Portman, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Bolster Support for Ukraine

Source: United States Senator for Ohio Rob Portman

Legislation Builds on Portman Efforts to Increase Support Though the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative

December 15, 2021 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), Co-Chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, along with Senators Jim Risch (R-ID) Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Pat Toomey (R-PA), John Barrasso (R-WY.), John Cornyn (R-TX), and Tom Cotton (R-AR), today introduced the Guaranteeing Ukraine’s Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense Act (GUARD Act), legislation to provide critical support to Ukraine as it faces the threat of an invasion from Russia. 

“I am proud to join my Senate colleagues in introducing comprehensive legislation to support our key ally Ukraine.  The dangerous and unprovoked buildup of Russian forces on the Ukraine border requires a decisive, whole of government response—and this bill is a good start,” said Portman. “While we have provided substantive material and training support to Ukraine, including through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, there is still much to be done.  We can show our allies and the world our support for Ukraine by increasing the amount of security funding for Ukraine, strengthening the Nord Stream 2 sanctions and enacting additional diplomatic initiatives—all of which will help Ukraine continue to strengthen their security and democratic institutions.”

“As Ukraine faces yet another build-up of Russian troops on its border and the threat of a mid-January invasion, the United States should be doing everything it can right now to deter Russia and provide Ukraine the supplies and support it needs to defend itself,” said Senator Risch. “Since the administration has failed to act, I have introduced legislation that would provide immediate material support to Ukraine. We cannot sit back and wait to react to Russian aggression. Congress must continue its strong support for the Ukrainian people and their right to sovereignty and self-defense.”

“We’ve watched Russia’s military buildup around Ukraine for months, seeing clearly that Putin intends to violate Ukraine’s sovereignty. Despite this, the Biden administration says they won’t take any action until after Putin invades — and by then, it will be too late for our friends in Ukraine. This bill pushes President Biden to speed up lethal military aid to Ukraine to deter Russia, before Russia invades. Lethal aid will remind Putin that any attempt to annex Kyiv will have real and concrete costs,” said Senator Inhofe.

“President Biden’s willingness to make concessions to Putin not only endangers Ukrainians, but also welcomes the Kremlin’s aggression in the region at large,” said Senator Rubio. “Unfortunately, this pattern of appeasement isn’t new – it’s the same failed strategy used by the Obama Administration years ago. It’s time to recognize that the Biden Administration’s so-called foreign policy experts are intent on repeating the same mistakes of the past. I’m proud to join Senator Risch in introducing this legislation, which takes the threat of Putin’s hostility seriously.”

“As evident by Russia’s escalating aggression, the mere threat of sanctions will not stop Putin from invading Ukraine,” said Senator Toomey. “The administration must immediately take concrete steps to assist our Ukrainian partners by sanctioning the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, providing lethal assistance, and bolstering our bilateral defensive cooperation. I’m glad to join my colleagues in introducing the Guaranteeing Ukraine’s Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense Act (GUARD Act) to protect Ukraine’s sovereignty and deter Putin’s aggression.”

“Putin is attempting to dominate and control Ukraine. We cannot let this bold and dangerous behavior go unchecked. The United States and our allies must do more to deter Russia by increasing the costs of its aggression,” said Senator Barrasso. “Our bill strengthens sanctions on Russia and establishes clear consequences if they invade Ukraine. It also makes sure the brave Ukrainian Armed Forces have the resources they need to fight for their country’s freedom and future.”

“The United States cannot ignore Putin’s latest efforts to rob the Ukrainian people of their sovereignty,” said Senator Cornyn. “While President Biden has so far stood by and watched this aggression unfold, my colleagues and I are pushing the White House to take action. This legislation will ensure the Administration moves quickly to bolster Ukrainian armed forces and reaffirm our commitment to our European allies, as well as hold Putin accountable for his thuggery.”

“The time to deter conflict is before it starts. Vladimir Putin has become more aggressive since Joe Biden took office, but the Biden administration hasn’t taken the necessary steps to prevent another invasion of Ukraine. Our bill will help mitigate President Biden’s failure by sanctioning Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline and increasing our support for Ukraine’s armed forces,” said Senator Cotton

This legislation:

  • Substantially and immediately increases material support for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including funding for weaponry, training, and military reform.

  • Authorizes $450 million in Foreign Military Financing for Ukraine for the year 2022.

  • Would replenish the presidential drawdown authority account should the president use all currently available funds to support Ukraine.

  • Strengthens sanctions on Nord Stream 2, a Russian malign influence project designed to undermine Ukraine and threaten European energy security.

  • Establishes diplomatic and military deterrents to counter Russian aggression:

  • Reaffirms U.S. policy of unwavering commitment to Ukrainian sovereignty.

Text of the legislation can be found here.
