English/Español: Rubio Introduces Bill to Prohibit Foreign Citizens from Voting

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced the Protecting Our Democracy by Preventing Foreign Citizens from Voting Act to prohibit federal funding to states and localities that allow foreigners to vote. Senators Steve Daines (R-MT), Thom Tillis (R-NC), John Kennedy (R-LA), Rick Scott (R-FL), and James Lankford (R-OK) joined Rubio in introducing the legislation. Representative Jeff Duncan (R-SC) will introduce companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives. 
“It’s ridiculous that states are allowing foreign citizens to vote,” Rubio said. “However, if states and localities do let those who are not U.S. citizens to vote in elections, they shouldn’t get U.S. citizen taxpayer money.” 
“Voting in this country is a right that should solely be limited to American citizens. Allowing non-citizens or illegal immigrants to vote, even if only in state or local elections, gives foreign nationals influence on some of the most important decisions impacting our families, our rights, and our representation in government,” Duncan said. “Non-citizen voting has the potential to exacerbate the border crisis and cause a greater erosion of confidence in our electoral process. Voting is the hallmark of our democracy, and non-citizen voting completely undermines election integrity. Non-citizen voting is not some sort of farfetched idea—it is currently allowed in New York, San Francisco, and even in the suburbs of our nation’s capital. I will not stand for this sort of globalist extremism that attempts to undermine what it means to be an American citizen. I am honored to work with Senator Marco Rubio on this very important effort to safeguard the security of our elections.”
“It’s simple—U.S. citizens should be the only people voting in U.S. elections,” Daines said. “Sadly, far-Left states and cities have moved to disenfranchise Americans by allowing non-citizens to participate in our elections. This must be stopped.”
“The fundamental right of every American citizen to cast their vote is a cornerstone of our democracy,” Tillis said. “Allowing noncitizens’ votes to be counted sets a dangerous precedent, and I am proud to work with my colleagues to stop states and localities from undermining confidence in our nation’s election integrity by allowing this misguided practice.”
“Allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections makes a mockery of U.S. citizenship,” Kennedy said. “Some Americans were born here, and some immigrated here legally, but no citizen should have his or her vote nullified by a foreign citizen’s ballot. I’m proud to partner with Sen. Rubio to stop federal funds from flowing to states or localities that undermine Americans’ voting rights.” 
“Each and every elected official in the United States should be chosen by the American citizens they represent,” Scott said. “It’s absolutely insane that any state or locality would give our precious right to vote to foreign citizens and truly sad that legislation like this is even needed, but I won’t stand by and let radical politicians open America’s voting booths to foreign interference. I hope every member of the Senate stands with us in supporting this commonsense bill.”

“Democrats are not fooling anyone with their election schemes; the latest is to allow non-citizens to vote in New York City elections. This is ridiculous—only American citizens should vote in American elections,” Lankford said. “A government by the people for the people should be determined by its people. The Fifteenth Amendment guarantees the right of every citizen to vote. Federal law and federal funding should uphold and honor the Constitution. Our nation’s elections at every level should be fair, secure, and decided by American citizens.”

The Protecting Our Democracy by Preventing Foreign Citizens from Voting Act would:

  1. Prohibit federal funds from going to any state or local government that allows foreign citizens to vote in any Federal, State, or local election;
  2. Require, upon application, approval, and receipt of any federal funds, the state or local government must certify they do not allow foreign citizens to vote; and
  3. Make the measure effective on or after the date of enactment.



Washington, DC —  El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) presentó un proyecto de ley para prohibir la financiación federal a los estados y localidades de EE.UU. que permiten a extranjeros votar en las elecciones. Los senadores Steve Daines (R-MT), Thom Tillis (R-NC), John Kennedy (R-LA), Rick Scott (R-FL) y James Lankford (R-OK) se unieron a Rubio para presentar esta legislación. El representante Jeff Duncan (R-SC) presentará una legislación complementaria en la Cámara de Representantes.
“Es absurdo que estados de EE.UU. estén permitiendo a ciudadanos extranjeros votar”, Rubio dijo. “Sin embargo, si los estados y las localidades permiten votar en las elecciones a quienes no son ciudadanos estadounidenses, dichos estados y localidades no deberían recibir dinero de los contribuyentes ciudadanos de EE.UU.”.
La ley para proteger nuestra democracia:

  1. Prohibiría que fondos federales vayan a cualquier gobierno estatal o local que permita a ciudadanos extranjeros votar en cualquier tipo de elecciones federales, estatales o locales;
  2. Requerirá, tras la solicitud, aprobación y recibimiento de fondos federales, que el gobierno estatal o local certifique que no permitió a ciudadanos extranjeros votar; y
  3. Hacer efectiva la medida a partir de la fecha de promulgación de la ley.