News 12/14/2021 Blackburn Leads Colleagues To Stop The Left’s Inflationary Spending Spree

Source: United States Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) introduced the Stop The Inflationary Spending Spree Act to increase the voting threshold from 60 votes to a 67 vote supermajority for spending packages during periods of high inflation. Senator Blackburn was joined on this legislation by Senators Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), and Rick Scott (R-Fla.).

“Tennesseans cannot afford the left’s endless spending spree,” said Senator Blackburn. “Joe Biden’s radical economic agenda has resulted in decades-high inflation, and in return, the White House and Congressional Democrats have refused to slow their spending. The Stop The Inflationary Spending Spree Act will force them to work on bipartisan solutions instead of forcing through increased spending that will hurt our economy.”

“Inflation is here to stay as long as those on the left continue to throw gasoline on the fire with their reckless taxing, reckless borrowing, and reckless spending agenda. Joe Biden and the Democrats inherited a vaccine and a re-emerging economy ready to take off like a rocket ship. All they had to do was sit back and do nothing but now their out-of-control socialist spending spree has brought the highest inflation in 39 years,” said Senator Marshall. “Inflation hurts everyone but none more than our seniors and young hard working families living paycheck to paycheck. I’m proud to partner with my colleagues to introduce this legislation to halt Democrats’ out of control spending and restore a flourishing free market economy for the American people.”

“Last month, inflation reached its highest point in nearly 40 years. Iowans and Americans across the country are feeling the burden, yet Washington Democrats are ignoring the problem and instead pushing their reckless tax-and-spending spree that will only make matters worse. This effort will force Congress to work together—across party lines—to rein in its out of control spending and address the rising costs that continue to punish hardworking families,” said Senator Ernst. 

Senator Rick Scott said, “Congress should not pass laws that fuel inflation and raise prices on hardworking families. I’ve been fighting Biden’s inflation crisis all year and I’m proud to join Senator Blackburn to introduce the Stop Inflationary Spending Spree Act to keep Congress accountable to taxpayers and stop Washington’s reckless spending.”


  • In November 2021, inflation hit a near 40-year high and rose 6.8% from a year ago
  • The Biden administration has continued to push multi-trillion-dollar spending packages that will only fan the flames of inflation.
  • The Stop The Inflationary Spending Spree Act would amend Senate Rule XXII to increase the voting threshold to two-thirds to invoke cloture on general appropriations bills during periods that the Consumer Price Index sits above 4.0%.