Lankford, R. Scott, Colleagues Push to Block Biden’s Tax-dollar Giveaway to Illegal Immigrants

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford


WASHINGTON, DC  – Senator James Lankford (R-OK), the lead Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, today joined Senators Rick Scott (R-FL), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Bill Hagerty (R-TN), and Mike Braun (R-IN) to introduce the Congressional Review of Agency Legal Settlements Act following reports that the Biden Administration is considering using taxpayer dollars to pay settlements of $450,000 per person to illegal aliens separated at the southern border after being caught unlawfully entering the country.

The bill empowers Congress to ensure agencies don’t skirt the formal rulemaking processes of the Administrative Procedures Act and misuse federal tax dollars for exorbitant financial awards in legal settlements. In November, Lankford introduced a bill to stop the ongoing settlements between the US government and illegal migrants who were separated from their families at the border.

Lankford said, “If the Biden Administration is going to propose settlements as a way to pay people off, like the $450,000 settlements for illegal border crossers, then the agreements should be subject to congressional disapproval and nullification just like other ill-advised executive actions like vaccine mandates. The American people demand accountability, and the Biden Administration isn’t getting away with quietly trying to give almost half a million dollars to migrants, which will be used by the cartels as a way to incentivize more people to illegally cross our border. Our bill makes sure they—or any other administration—can’t try to hide behind politically motivated legal settlements again in the future without giving people their day in court.” 

R. Scott said, “Biden’s plan to pay out $450,000—nearly half a million dollars—to illegal immigrants who broke US laws is ridiculous and must be stopped. Not even the families of our fallen service members receive this amount of money. Instead of dishing out money to people who have no respect for our laws, Biden should be focused on fixing the problem and securing our border. Instead, he’s giving people an incentive to break our laws. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s why I’m introducing the Congressional Review of Agency Legal Settlements Act today to hold the Biden administration accountable and give Congress the oversight needed to ensure federal agencies can’t recklessly waste American tax dollars. I appreciate the support of Senators Pat Toomey, Bill Cassidy, Mike Rounds, Bill Hagerty, Mike Braun and James Lankford in this effort and urge all of our colleagues to support this good bill.”

Hagerty said, “In light of reports that the Biden Justice Department wants to make $450,000 settlement payments to illegal aliens who came here in violation of US law, Congress must step up and provide proper oversight. The Congressional Review of Agency Legal Settlements Act will ensure that hardworking Americans’ tax dollars are used appropriately, rather than to reward illegal conduct.”

Braun said, “The Biden Administration’s proposed $450,000 payouts to people who have crossed our borders illegally would set a dangerous precedent. In the interest of transparency and accountability, I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing this legislation that would help thwart the abuse and misuse of taxpayer dollars in outrageous financial settlements.”
