Durbin Recognizes Victims Of Devastating Tornadoes In Central Illinois, Metro-East, And Kentucky On Senate Floor

Source: United States Senator for Illinois Dick Durbin


WASHINGTON – In a speech on the Senate floor, U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today spoke about the chain of tornadoes and violent storms that ravaged Illinois and five other states Friday night, leading to the death of more than 90 people. In his remarks, Durbin recognized the devastation of the families who lost their loved ones as a tornado ripped through an Amazon distribution facility in Edwardsville, Illinois. 

“In Illinois, we have also suffered staggering losses. At least four tornadoes tore across our state between about 7:30 and 10 o’clock last Friday. The greatest devastation was in Edwardsville, Illinois, in Madison County, where a powerful tornado with winds up to 155 miles an hour peeled the roof off a massive Amazon distribution facility… Fire and rescue crews from at least 20 communities rushed to the scene… But six workers died when the warehouse collapsed. The oldest was 62. The youngest was 26… I know I speak for millions of Americans when I say that our hearts go out to all of those who perished in Friday’s tornadoes – and to those they leave behind,” said Durbin.

Durbin also thanked President Biden for quickly approving Governor J.B. Pritzker’s request for an emergency declaration for 13 counties—including Madison County—across the state. Yesterday, Durbin led the entire Illinois delegation in urging the President to heed Pritzker’s request as repairing the severe damage is beyond the capabilities of the state and local governments.

“I thank President Biden for responding so quickly to this terrible disaster. Yesterday afternoon, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker requested an emergency declaration. Of course, we joined him in that request. The President issued the emergency order just a few hours after that request,” said Durbin.

Durbin concluded his speech by saying, “The tornadoes didn’t distinguish between red states and blue states… It is my great hope that the Senate will also put aside its politics for a few moments and stand together to help the victims.”

Video of Durbin’s floor speech is available here.

Audio of Durbin’s floor speech is available here.

Footage of Durbin’s floor speech is available here for TV Stations.
