Brown Announces Magnet Will Receive $500,000 to Advance to Next Round of Build Back Better Regional Challenge

Source: United States Senator for Ohio Sherrod Brown

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced that the United States Economic Development Administration (EDA) has awarded $500,000 to Manufacturing Advocacy and Growth Network (MAGNET) in Cleveland through the EDA’s “Build Back Better Regional Challenge.” This award will help MAGNET fund Northeast Ohio’s Advanced Manufacturing Cluster: Smart Manufacturing and Advanced Materials project. The project aims to bring innovation to the region around smart and advanced technologies, while encouraging innovation and workforce development. The cluster encompasses an estimated 700 firms, 45,000 workers, and $12 billion in Gross Regional Product (GRP). These funds were made possible through the American Rescue Plan, which Brown helped write and pass.

“Ohio has a proud history of leading the country in manufacturing innovation. We’re building on that legacy by making new investments in Cleveland, which will create and retain jobs and generate a return on investment for American taxpayers,” said Brown. “Ohio workers can compete with anyone in the world, and I’m glad to see their strength is being recognized.”

MAGNET will now advance to Phase 2 of the challenge, which will award 20 to 30 regional coalitions between $25 and $100 million to implement three to eight projects that support an industry sector.

Last month, Brown discussed his Supply Chain Resiliency Act with Ethan Karp, the President and CEO of MAGNET. The organization has been dramatically impacted by recent supply chain issues as it both consults with small and medium-sized Ohio manufacturers and also manufactures its own products. Brown’s legislation would help ease supply chain bottlenecks now and, in the future, and invest in American companies, to decrease our reliance on long supply chains.

In October, Brown and Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh joined leadership from MAGNET, employers, workers and students, to show Sec. Walsh the manufacturing innovation taking place in Cleveland, and press for more investment in Ohio manufacturing innovation. The U.S. Senate passed the bipartisan U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA), which included key provisions from Brownto make a once-in-a-generation investment in American science, technology and innovation to help the U.S. compete with China and other global competitors.

MAGNET advocates for training the next generation of manufacturing workers and partners with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District to train high school students to work in manufacturing industries. MAGNET is proudly a part of the US. Department of Commerce’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) as a subgrantee from the State of Ohio’s MEP program. To see a copy of MAGNET’s press release, please visit here.

EDA grants are awarded through a competitive process based upon the application’s merit, the applicant’s eligibility, and the availability of funds. More information on EDA’s grant process and investment process can be found at
