Rob’s Rundown: Week of November 6 – December 10, 2021

Source: United States Senator for Ohio Rob Portman

December 10, 2021

Senator Portman was back in Washington this week where he delivered remarks on the Senate floor Monday evening outlining his concern with the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction provision in Democrats’ massive tax and spending proposal. In the House-passed reconciliation package, the $10,000 cap on SALT implemented in the 2017 tax reforms is raised to $80,000, creating a tax break that almost entirely benefits only wealthy Americans. Portman noted that this increase will cost as much as $100 billion more than the Child Tax Credit, which Democrats claim is the cornerstone of their entire spending bill. Portman also took to the Senate floor on Thursday to discuss additional concerns with this legislation – specifically the harmful consequences of the so-called book tax. 

On Monday, Portman joined FOX Business’ Kudlow to discuss the growing Russian threat against Ukraine amid press reports suggesting that U.S. intelligence believes Russia is planning an offensive against Ukraine. Portman also shared his concerns with the Democrats’ reckless tax and spending bill, arguing that trillions in new spending and taxes will stifle economic growth, kill jobs, balloon the national debt, and increase inflation. He also highlighted the negative impact surging inflation is having on workers and middle-class families.

At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Tuesday, Portman questioned Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, regarding the Russian military buildup on the borders of Ukraine. Senator Portman urged the United States to stand with Ukraine and demonstrate our resolve through the passage of the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, since it includes funding for lethal defense weapons for Ukraine. He also made the point that the Ukraine military has had the opportunity to modernize so Russian forces would face a more organized and better prepared military if they decide to invade.

Senator Portman was back in Ohio today for a number of in-state events. Portman started the day off in Marietta for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new access road to the Colonel Joseph Barker Jr. House (Barker House) along the Ohio River in Marietta, Ohio.  Portman led efforts in Congress to preserve the house and pass legislation to convey it to the Friends of the Joseph Barker Jr. House so that it could be restored and made accessible to the public. Portman then toured Long Ridge Energy Terminal in Hannibal, Ohio to see firsthand the new natural gas power plant on site, which is one of the most efficient power plants in the world. And finally, Portman hosted a roundtable discussion on broadband with area stakeholders at OSU Noble County Office to discuss the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act.

For a more detailed look at Senator Portman’s week, please see the following:

Monday, December 6, 2021

Portman Encouraged by Release of Three Missionary Hostages Held in Haiti, Bringing Total to Five

Portman issued the following statement following news reports that three additional hostages from Christian Aid Ministries, a Millersburg, Ohio, based missionary organization, were released – bringing the total to five. The missionaries were detained 52 days ago by an armed gang while conducting missionary work near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Portman continues to press the administration to secure the release of the remaining 12 hostages. 

“Today’s release of three more hostages from the Ohio-based Christian Aid Ministries is another step forward, but we cannot rest until everyone being held is released. While these efforts continue, I’ve highlighted that kidnapping in Haiti is an all-too common occurrence. I will continue to press the administration to develop a whole-of-government approach to address this problem, and I remain hopeful that all hostages are released safely.”

Portman Announces $750,000 Federal Grant for Lima, Ohio Community-Based Reentry Program

Portman praised the announcement that the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance awarded a grant to the Lima Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program (UMADAOP), in partnership with correctional facilities and community agencies in the counties of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin, Ohio, through the FY 2021 Second Chance Act Community-Based Reentry grant program.

UMADAOP has been awarded $750,000 to expand and support cross-beneficial partnerships that leverage each organization’s strengths into a person-centered care approach to reduce recidivism and combat violence by facilitating the successful reintegration of underserved adults returning from incarceration in the counties of Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin, Ohio. 

“This is great news for Northwest Ohio. I applaud the Department of Justice for providing Ohio with much-needed resources to help reduce recidivism of those formerly incarcerated,” said Portman. “Given the extremely concerning number of overdose deaths in the past year, programs like these play an important role in improving lives and communities and work towards addressing the demand side of this country’s drug epidemic.”

On FOX Business, Portman Discusses Russian Threat to Ukraine, Democrats’ Reckless Tax & Spending Bill

Senator Portman joined FOX Business’ Kudlow this afternoon to discuss the growing Russian threat against Ukraine. This comes as recent press reports suggest that U.S. intelligence believes Russia is planning an offensive against Ukraine. The report cited the projected involvement of 175,000 troops, 100 Russian battalion tactical groups, which is two-thirds of the available battalion tactical groups in the Russian army. Portman is one of Ukraine’s strongest allies in Congress and the co-Chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus.  

Portman also shared his concerns with the Democrats’ reckless tax and spending bill, arguing that trillions in new spending and taxes will stifle economic growth, kill jobs, balloon the national debt, and increase inflation. He also highlighted the negative impact surging inflation is having on workers and middle-class families. 

A transcript of the interview can be found here and you can also watch the interview here

On Senate Floor, Portman Questions Why Democrats Are Focused on Providing Tax Benefits to the Wealthy

Portman delivered remarks outlining his concerns with the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction provision in Democrats’ massive tax and spending proposal. In the House-passed reconciliation package, the $10,000 cap on SALT implemented in the 2017 tax reforms is raised to $80,000, creating a tax break that almost entirely benefits only wealthy Americans. Portman noted that this increase will cost as much as $100 billion more than the Child Tax Credit, which Democrats claim is the cornerstone of their entire spending bill. 

Portman believes these tax breaks for the wealthy, combined with the stimulative spending and job-killing tax overhauls on working families and businesses, are reasons why Congress should not pass the Democrats’ partisan reconciliation bill. 

A transcript of his remarks can be found here and a video can be found here.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Portman Presses Secretary Mayorkas on Proposal to Reduce ICE Deportation Workforce as Unlawful Migration Continues to Hit Record Levels

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas expressing concern over the DHS proposal to convert Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers from their current status as deportation officers to criminal investigators.  At a time when the United States continues to experience record levels of unlawful migration and apprehensions at the border, Portman makes it clear that the administration should not be incentivizing more unlawful migration by reducing the ICE/ERO workforce handling deportations. Furthermore, Portman points out that any proposal to alter ICE ERO functions must be done in coordination with Congress; the administration has yet to discuss this proposal with the Committee. 

“As you know, there are over 8,500 ICE ERO professionals are responsible for enforcing our country’s immigration laws and keeping our communities safe from those who are unlawfully present… I understand the Department may be considering converting ICE ERO officers from their GS-1801 series to the GS-1811 (criminal investigator) series. As ICE ERO officers are primarily responsible for enforcing civil immigration violations, this conversion could further diminish enforcement operations and the capability of the Department to enforce our immigration laws… Any proposal to alter ICE ERO functions should be done in coordination with Congress for full and open consideration of the implications… I stand ready to work with you to secure our border and restore the rule of law when it comes to immigration and border security,” Senator Portman wrote. 

The full letter can be read here.

Portman Announces $900,000 Federal Grant for Cleveland, Ohio, Reentry Program

Portman praised the announcement that the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance awarded a grant to the Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM) through the FY 2021 Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Education, Employment, Treatment and Recovery Program. Portman is the original author of the Second Chance Act.

LMM has been awarded $900,000 to use toward their Chopping for Change (C4C) program – a workforce development opportunity that enables participates to engage in culinary arts and hospitality training five days a week, with counseling and other support services. According to LMM, the C4C program has less than a four percent recidivism rate. Participants incarcerated at the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction facilities in Cleveland and Grafton, Ohio, will have the opportunity to engage in C4C’s programs and services, allowing them to return home and avoid recidivism. 

“Having visited Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry and seeing firsthand the important work it does in Northeast Ohio, I know this grant will help expand upon their efforts to help those formerly incarnated become self-sufficient, productive members of society,” said Portman. “I applaud the Department of Justice for providing much-needed resources to help reduce recidivism in my home state of Ohio.”

At Press Conference, Portman Sheds Light on Democrats’ Massive Tax Break for Wealthy

Senator Portman delivered remarks at a press conference outlining his concerns with the SALT tax provision in Democrats’ massive tax and spending proposal. During his remarks, he pointed out that the real cost of the Democrats’ proposal will be more than $4 trillion because many of the programs are unlikely to sunset, two-thirds of millionaires will receive a tax cut under the proposal and the SALT provision will be one the most expensive provisions of the bill, costing as much as $100 billion more than the Child Tax Credit, the cornerstone of the Democrats’ entire spending bill. 

Portman explained how the legislation is written to camouflage its true price tag. A recent study from Penn Wharton estimates that the legislation will actually cost around $4.6 trillion over the next 10 years.   

A transcript of his remarks can be found here and a video can be found here

At Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing, Portman Urges Strong U.S. Response to Russian Aggression Toward Ukraine, Tells Administration that Ukraine “Chose to Stand With Us, and Now it is Our Turn to Stand With Them”

During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) questioned Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, regarding the Russian military buildup on the borders of Ukraine. Senator Portman urged the United States to stand with Ukraine and demonstrate our resolve through the passage the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, since it includes funding for lethal defense weapons for Ukraine. He also made the point that the Ukraine military has had the opportunity to modernize so Russian forces would face a more organized and better prepared military if they decide to invade. 

A transcript of Senator Portman’s questioning can be found here and video can be found here.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

ICYMI: Portman to Fox News: Biden Admin Must Do More to Stop Flow of Fentanyl into US, Combat Addiction Crisis

In an interview with Fox News’ Kelly Laco, Senator Portman discussed, in detail, the worsening drug and addiction crisis in the United States. Portman highlighted that the failure of the Biden administration to control our southern border has resulted in record levels of deadly fentanyl coming into our country, leading to more American lives lost and families devastated, and contributing to the strength of Mexican transnational criminal organizations. Earlier this month, Portman released a statement on the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) operational statistics ,which show a 42 percent increase in fentanyl seizures at the southern border from September to October. Recently, the CDC released preliminary data showing that from April 2020 to April 2021, drug overdose deaths in the United States rose to a record more than 100,000. 

Portman has led the charge in the Senate in working to create legislation to combat this surge in deadly synthetic opioids, like fentanyl. In 2018, his bipartisan Synthetics Trafficking & Overdose Prevention (STOP) Act became law. The STOP Act helps to reduce the supply of fentanyl shipped into the United States through the U.S. Postal Service by requiring advance electronic data (AED) on all inbound international packages. As then Chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), Portman conducted an 18-month investigation and released a stunning bipartisan report detailing how drug traffickers exploit vulnerabilities in our international mail system to easily ship synthetic drugs like fentanyl from China into the United States through the U.S. Postal Service. 

During his time in Congress, Portman has also spearheaded efforts to combat drug abuse, authoring in 1997 the Drug-Free Communities Act, which supports evidence-based, community-oriented drug prevention programs, and co-authoring the landmark Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) in 2016, which bolster evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. The article in its entirety can be accessed here

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Portman, Klobuchar Express Concern Regarding STOP Act Waivers, Urge Biden Administration to Aggressively Pursue Advancing Global Requirements

Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chairwoman of the Senate Rules Committee, sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy expressing concern about the number of countries that have been granted Synthetics Trafficking & Overdose Prevention (STOP) Act waivers and urging that any waivers issued meet the strict requirements outlined in the STOP Act so that illicit mail traffic does not shift to these waiver jurisdictions. 

In 2018, Senators Portman and Klobuchar’s bipartisan STOP Act became law. The STOP Act helps to reduce the supply of fentanyl shipped into the United States through the U.S. Postal Service by requiring advance electronic data (AED) on all inbound international packages. As then Chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), Portman conducted an 18-month investigation and released a stunning bipartisan report detailing how drug traffickers exploit vulnerabilities in our international mail system to easily ship synthetic drugs like fentanyl from China into the United States through the U.S. Postal Service. 

“Congress passed the STOP Act to protect Americans by helping prevent illicit drugs, like fentanyl, from entering the United States through the United States Postal Service. Under the STOP Act, the Postal Service must provide Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) basic advance electronic data (“AED”) on international mail parcels. This AED is used by CBP to target and prevent illegal opioids, mainly fentanyl, from entering our communities… We must do everything possible to stop fentanyl and other illicit opioids from coming into our country,” the senators wrote. “The number of countries that currently have a waiver from complying with the STOP Act requirements to provide AED is concerning…The more than 130 countries that currently have a waiver under this provision include a number of developed countries, and countries with significant links to international organized crime. Waivers must be a temporary exception. Otherwise, existing illicit mail traffic will shift to these waiver jurisdictions…As CBP makes determinations regarding the issuance of waivers, we encourage you to exercise restraint and ensure that any waivers issued meet the strict requirements outlined in the STOP Act.” 

The full letter can be found here.

Portman, Coons, Klobuchar Announce Legislation to Ensure Transparency at Social Media Platforms 

Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Chris Coons (D-DE), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law; and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) announced the Platform Accountability and Transparency Act (PATA), a new bipartisan bill that would require social media companies to provide vetted, independent researchers and the public with access to certain platform data. 

While major social media companies retain granular data on their products’ impact on Americans and our communities, only a small fraction of it is ever made available to the public. Recent events, including the leak of documents as part of the “Facebook Papers,” have underscored the public value of this data and a need for legislation that increases the platforms’ transparency. 

PATA will meet this need by requiring social media companies to disclose certain internal data and respond to independent research requests following the approval of researchers’ proposals by the National Science Foundation. Researchers would then be able to examine the data and release findings on the platforms’ impact to the public. Throughout the process, the data would be subject to strict protections to guard users’ privacy. 

“Every new disclosure of problematic activities by social media companies reignites calls for Congressional action,” said Senator Portman. “Before answering any of those calls, Congress should take a step back to ensure that we are not legislating in the dark. Increasing transparency around Big Tech practices will give policymakers the high-quality, well-vetted information we need to do our job most effectively. I took the same thoughtful and measured approach to the Stop Enabling Sex Trafficking Act (SESTA) to reform Section 230, which was the result of a two year investigation into the ways in which certain social media platforms facilitate the sale of children. I have a number of concerns about Big Tech—from facilitating sex trafficking to burying content about the origins of COVID-19—and I want to ensure that any response by Congress is effective in addressing those concerns.”

Portman, Shaheen, Durbin and Murphy Meet with Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S., Ukrainian Members of Parliament

Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) met with Oksana Markarova, Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S., and Ukrainian Members of Parliament yesterday to discuss the recent uptick in Russian aggression towards Ukraine. 

The group discussed pressing national security issues including Russia’s further escalation of troops at the Ukraine border and the need for the United States to send a clear message to Russian President Putin be providing more funding for lethal defensive weapons for Ukraine. This meeting with key members of the Ukrainian government came after classified briefings on the Russian buildup to Congress and a hearing on Russian policy where the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, Ambassador Victoria Nuland expressed the United States’ policy to provide unwavering support for the sovereignty of Ukraine. 

“I appreciated our visit with Ambassador Markarova and multiple members of Ukraine’s Parliament. In the face of a progressively more belligerent and revisionist Russia, Ukraine is a critical strategic security partner and they have become increasingly under threat by Russia over the past months,” said Portman. “The United States must do all it can to support Ukraine and make clear to Russia under no uncertain terms that there will be serious consequences if they were to invade Ukraine. I encourage the Administration to do everything possible to continue to provide Ukraine with the military capabilities it needs to defend itself as well as garnering international support to stand firm in the face of Russian aggression.”

Portman, Peters Bipartisan Legislation to Protect FEMA Reservists’ Jobs During Disaster Response Passes Senate

Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Gary Peters (D-MI), Ranking Member and Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, announced that their bipartisan Civilian Reservist Emergency Workforce Act to protect Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Reservists from losing their full-time employment when they are called up to assist communities with disaster response has passed the Senate. FEMA Reservists are temporary, on-call and intermittent employees who are essential to the agency’s mission to quickly respond to disasters, but they currently lack employment protections that ensure they will be able to return to their full-time jobs once their disaster response mission is complete. The bill, which the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee advanced in July, now awaits action in the U.S. House of Representatives. 

“FEMA Reservists should be protected from any disadvantage or discrimination due to their service and that’s why I’m proud the Senate passed this bipartisan bill to extend Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act protections to FEMA Reservists. This bipartisan bill will improve the retention of these highly skilled emergency responders while also strengthening the agency’s readiness to respond to major disasters,” said Senator Portman. “It is not only the right thing to do but comes as our country is facing a record high number of disasters where these Reservists are needed the most.”

Portman, Colleagues Urge Social Security Administration to Reopen Ohio Field Offices to the Public

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) sent a letter to Acting Social Security Administration (SSA) Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi asking him to immediately reopen SSA Ohio field offices to the public. The closure of Social Security field offices is of particular concern because many areas of Ohio still lack access to high speed Internet, which is necessary to establish a My account and interact with the agency due to offices being closed. SSA suspended in-person services at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Joining Portman in signing the letter were Senators Tim Scott (R-SC), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Todd Young (R-IN), Susan Collins (R-ME), Richard Burr (R-NC), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Mike Braun (R-IN), Rick Scott (R-FL), John Barrasso (R-WY), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), James Lankford (R-OK), John Thune (R-SD), and Pat Toomey (R-PA). 

“Social Security is a bedrock of our nation’s social safety net, especially for our nation’s seniors aged 62 or older who comprise more than four-fifths of all Social Security beneficiaries. … On March 17, 2020, the Social Security Administration (SSA) suspended in-person services because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This suspension created a disruption to the millions of new applicants and beneficiaries receiving Social Security benefits,” the senators wrote. 

“On behalf of the nearly 70 million Americans who receive benefits from SSA, we reiterate the need to reopen the field offices as quickly as possible. Our nation’s seniors and beneficiaries of SSA programs deserve no less,” the senators continued.

Senate Committee Passes Portman & Wyden’s Bipartisan Open Courts Act to Reform Federal Court Record System to Ensure Easy & Free Use for All Americans

Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) announced that their legislation to reform the federal government’s Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER), a database of federal judicial filings, was reported favorably out of the Senate Judiciary Committee by voice vote. The PACER system is outdated and charges exorbitant fees to users. This bill will reform PACER to solve these problems and ensure easy and free public access to federal government court records. 

“PACER was intended to create a level playing field for small-time litigants, small business, civil society, journalists, and citizens who care about transparency in government,” said Senator Portman. “However, with its frustrating interface and fees, PACER has done the opposite. The American people should have easy access to the court records of their country, and this bipartisan, consensus legislation will fix the problem once and for all by putting in place a free, streamlined system with an emphasis on security, accessibility, affordability, and performance – I am pleased we are on step closer to signing this legislation into law.”

Portman: We Need to Accelerate Research to Ensure Coordinated, Effective Federal Effort to Address and Minimize PFAS Contamination

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, delivered opening remarks at the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing to examine the federal government’s efforts to address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination. Portman expressed his concern about the potential impact of PFAS contamination on the health of his constituents in Ohio and communities across the United States and highlighted the importance of accelerating PFAS research to help ensure a coordinated, effective federal effort to address and minimize PFAS contamination. 

The bipartisan infrastructure bill provides $54 billion for water infrastructure investments across the country.  This includes $23.4 billion for the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds, $15 billion for lead pipe remediation, and $10 billion to address PFAS in drinking water.  This funding will help support ongoing efforts by states like Ohio to address PFAS contamination. 

A transcript of the opening statement can be found here and a video can be found here.

Ohio EPA Witness Expresses Appreciation for Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Funding to Address PFAS

At a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on their efforts in the federal government to address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination, Mark Johnson, Deputy Director for Business and Regulatory Affairs at Ohio Environmental Protection Agency expressed appreciation for the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, was a lead negotiator of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which provides a historic $54 billion for water infrastructure investments across the country. This includes $23.4 billion for the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds, $15 billion for lead pipe remediation, and $10 billion to address PFAS in drinking water. 

Portman also pressed witnesses to help ensure communities in Ohio and across the United States have access to accurate and timely information about PFAS and potential contamination.  Portman highlighted the importance of federal agencies having open and transparent communication with states and local communities about PFAS, as well as the need for the federal government to accelerate their research on PFAS chemicals and the impacts they may have on human health.   

Excerpts of his questioning can be found here and videos can be found here and here.

Portman, Rosen Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Help Foster and Homeless Youth Pursue Higher Education

Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) announced the introduction of the Helping Foster and Homeless Youth Achieve Act. The bipartisan legislation would improve access to educational opportunities by requiring that higher education institutions receiving federal assistance waive application fees for foster and homeless youth.  

“Kids facing homelessness, or in the foster care system, face an uphill battle when trying to pursue higher education. It is in all of our interests to ensure services for these children are a priority in existing federal programs,” said Senator Portman. “This common-sense, bipartisan legislation will remove unnecessary barriers and make college more affordable for these youths. It will support college retention, and greater success in higher education, allowing them to graduate, pursue their dreams, and achieve their God-given potential.”

Friday, December 10, 2021

On Senate Floor, Portman Highlights Economic Consequences of the Democrats’ Reckless Tax & Spending Spree

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) delivered remarks on the Senate floor outlining his concerns with Democrats’ massive tax and spending proposal. Portman noted that Democrats passing another stimulus bill would represent a doubling down of the policies that created this current state of inflation by raising taxes and stimulating consumer demand. He explained that the actual cost of this legislation could be more than $4.5 trillion, rather than the $1.75 trillion figure Democrats cite.

 Portman also noted that the legislation’ State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction provision would provide a massive tax break to wealthy Americans. In the House-passed reconciliation package, the $10,000 cap on SALT implemented in the 2017 tax reforms is raised to $80,000, creating a tax break that almost entirely benefits only wealthy Americans. Portman highlighted the fact that this increase will cost as much as $100 billion more than the Child Tax Credit, which Democrats claim is the cornerstone of their entire spending bill. 

A transcript of his remarks can be found here and a video can be found here.

In Caldwell, Senator Portman Hosts Broadband Roundtable at OSU Noble County Office to Discuss the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), the lead Republican negotiator of the bipartisan infrastructure legislation that recently enacted into law, hosted a roundtable discussion on broadband with area stakeholders at OSU Noble County Office to discuss the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. 

Portman highlighted that the legislation provides $65 billion to increase access to broadband services to connect more Americans to high-speed internet. Specifically, the bill provides $42.5 billion in funding to states to deploy high-speed networks to unserved and underserved communities, and Ohio will receive at least $100 million. 

The legislation also establishes grant programs totaling $542 million to promote digital inclusion efforts in communities that lack the skills, technologies and support needed to take advantage of broadband connections.

“We had a productive roundtable discussion about making broadband more affordable and accessible in Ohio. The recently-enacted bipartisan infrastructure bill will provide much needed broadband services to the rural and underserved communities in Ohio. Access to high-speed internet is a necessity for our farmers, students, and businesses across the Buckeye State. I am committed to making sure Ohioans have the tools to compete in the 21st century economy.”

In Hannibal, Senator Portman Tours Long Ridge Energy Terminal

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) toured Long Ridge Energy Terminal in Hannibal, Ohio to see firsthand the new natural gas power plant on site, which is one of the most efficient power plant in the world.  He also got to see the newly installed equipment that will soon allow Long Ridge to produce energy by blending hydrogen with natural gas, the first project like this in the nation.   

Portman will also receive an update on the $20 million U.S. Department of Transportation’s Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Developments (BUILD) grant announced in December 2018 that will benefit the facility once completed.  The BUILD grant will be used to fund Monroe County’s Appalachia Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Hub Rail Transloading Facility Project. This multi-modal project involves constructing a rail yard and pipeline transloading facility to transfer propane and butane from pipeline to rail to be sent for export in the most efficient and safest way possible. Portman, the lead Republican negotiator of the bipartisan infrastructure legislation that was recently signed into law, will also discuss how the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides $7.5 billion in increased funding for this grant program, renamed Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) 

“Thanks to the people at Long Ridge Energy Terminal for today’s visit. During the tour I was able to see firsthand the new and most efficient, natural gas power plant in the world, which will soon be the first to blend hydrogen into its feedstock. I was encouraged to hear how the $20 million BUILD grant will assist in the efficient transfer of fuels from pipeline to rail. The new bipartisan infrastructure law provides $7.5 billion in new funding for this initiative over the next five years to fund projects just like this.”

In Marietta, Senator Portman Joins ODOT Director Jack Marchbanks at Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Access Road to Col. Joseph Barker, Jr. House

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) joined Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Director Jack Marchbanks, Friends of the Joseph Barker Jr. House President Jack Haessly, and local stakeholders at a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new access road to the Colonel Joseph Barker Jr. House (Barker House) along the Ohio River in Marietta, Ohio.  Portman led efforts in Congress to preserve the house and pass legislation to convey it to the Friends of the Joseph Barker Jr. House so that it could be restored and made accessible to the public. 

The Barker House, built around 1828, is owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and was used as office space in the 1960s for the Willow Island Lock and Dam.  The home was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. In 2017, the Corps proposed to tear down the building since it is no longer in use and is in need of repair. However, following discussions with the Corps and local stakeholders, the Corps agreed to reverse its decision and leave the historic Barker House standing and to allow for land conveyance and restoration of the house. The access road constructed by ODOT is a key step in the process allowing the site to be restored and accessible to the public. 

“I was proud to join today’s ribbon cutting ceremony with the Ohio Department of Transportation Director, Jack Marchbanks and Friends of the Joseph Barker Jr. House President, Jack Haessly,” said Senator Portman.  “I was proud to author legislation that conveyed this house to the friends group and will allow it to be restored. I look forward to Ohioans being able to enjoy this historic landmark for generations to come.”


Sen. Rob Portman expresses concern about Ukraine as President Joe Biden warns Russia’s Vladimir Putin on aggression

U.S. Sen. Rob Portman said Tuesday he’s “deeply concerned” that Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to return former Soviet republics to Russian control, starting with Ukraine. Portman, who co-chairs U.S. Senate’s Ukraine Caucus, said Putin “needs to know that there will be very severe consequences” from the United States and the international community if the Russian troops massing along Ukraine’s border invade its neighbor.

Portman spoke as President Joe Biden conducted a secure video call with Putin. A White House statement on the call said Biden also expressed his concern about Russia’s forces collecting around Ukraine and made clear the U.S. and its allies “would respond with strong economic and other measures in the event of military escalation. “President Biden reiterated his support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and called for de-escalation and a return to diplomacy,” the statement continued.

Portman also said he wants the Defense Department to provide a report on Ukraine’s needs for a defense system to protect it from missiles and other airborne attacks. He said he’s pushing to attach an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would add $50 million to the current $300 million funding allotted to provide Ukraine with lethal defensive weapons. Portman said he also supports an amendment restoring U.S. sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany.

Biden lifted the sanctions in May amid criticism from legislators, including Portman.

Critics of Biden’s action say the use of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline would harm U.S. allies in the region, such as Ukraine, which gets revenue from a different pipeline that traverses its borders as it brings Russian natural gas to the European Union. Portman said the new pipeline would give the Kremlin “more leverage over Europe” and threaten Ukraine by letting Russia bypass it as a natural gas route.

“I hope, finally, we will get bipartisan support for reversing the Biden administration’s mistake,” said Portman.


US needs to work with China, Mexico ‘much more aggressively’ to stop fentanyl flow: Portman on opioid crisis

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, is vowing to keep the pressure on the Biden administration to address the opioid crisis head-on by working more aggressively with Mexico and China to stop drug trafficking, and by urging a greater awareness campaign by the federal government about fentanyl-laced “fake pills,” which are killing Americans at record rates.

The U.S. surpassed 100,000 overdose deaths in one year between April 2020 and April 2021, marking a terrible new milestone in American history. In addition, in October alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a 42% increase in the seizure of the most deadly opioid, fentanyl. 

The Biden administration has come under criticism by Portman, and other lawmakers, for seemingly putting the opioid crisis on the back burner during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the staggering number of overdose deaths. In an exclusive interview with Fox News on Wednesday, Portman said. “When you have a hundred thousand deaths, there’s a lot of other collateral damage. It’s not just about people dying, but it’s about people losing their way in life.”

Portman, who has been leading the charge in Congress against the opioid crisis for decades, stressed the importance of a three-pronged approach to tackling the epidemic that the Biden administration should immediately begin implementing: stopping supply into the U.S. through the border, prevention, including ramping up awareness campaigns, and treatment and recovery efforts.

The senator explained that previously, China would send fentanyl into the U.S. directly through the mail, but after the passage of the bipartisan Synthetics Trafficking & Overdose Prevention (STOP) Act in 2018, which increased drug detection methods, the country has scaled back that method of entry and is now sending fentanyl precursors into Mexico and India to be developed and then trafficked into the U.S. “So [the Biden administration] have got to tighten it up, and that means working with China, working with Mexico much more aggressively and tightening of the border,” continued Portman. “And I think they should do a huge prevention campaign.”

Portman said the discussion on stopping the flow of fentanyl, “ought to be at the top of the list during any bilateral discussions” since the U.S. knows China is still sending illegal fentanyl still into the United States and giving the chemical ingredients to Mexico to manufacture the drugs. “The point I would make to the Chinese officials is…’you’re killing my constituents,'” continued Portman. The Ohio senator also told Fox News that his office is planning to look into social media sites, such as Snapchat and others, that are providing platforms for Americans to purchase “fake pills” containing fentanyl, which are deadly and becoming more widespread. 

“Mexico is making [fentanyl] into different products, often pressing it into pills, fake pills, which is just a tragedy. People will be taking a pill that they think is a Xanax or a Percocet and in fact it’s fentanyl, or it is laced with fentanyl, and they die. And they didn’t mean to take fentanyl,” said Portman. The senator said it could be an opportunity for those social media sites to provide information and awareness to individuals about the dangers of purchasing pills that do not come directly from a pharmacy.

For the first time in six year, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issued a public safety alert on the dangers of counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl. The announcement came after more than 9.5 million counterfeit pills were seized by the DEA in 2021, which is more than 2020 and 2019 combined. “DEA’s Public Safety Alert, the first in six years, seeks to raise public awareness of a significant nationwide surge in counterfeit pills that are mass-produced by criminal drug networks in labs, deceptively marketed as legitimate prescription pills, and are killing unsuspecting Americans at an unprecedented rate” the announcement from Sept. 27 stated.

A family-run nonprofit started by Mary and Ed Ternan, Song for Charlie, is devoted to raising awareness about fake “fentapills” after the death of their college senior son, Charlie, who bought a fake Percocet pill online in 2020 and tragically died. Portman told Fox News that one Ohio mother, Virginia Krieger, similarly lost her 26-year-old daughter, Tiffany, to an accidental overdose death. Tiffany also bought a fake Percocet pill and unintentionally overdosed because it was laced with fentanyl and heroin, Portman said. 

The senator has previously said that “no one should ever take a pill unless they know it comes from a pharmacy,” and is urging the Biden administration to work with the private sector and large pharmaceutical companies to start a bigger awareness campaign about the dangers of fake pills, especially for teens and college students. In November, Biden marked the 100,000 overdose death mark by saying his administration is committed to addressing addiction and ending the drug epidemic.

“We’re working to make health coverage more accessible and affordable for all Americans, so that more people who need care can get it. We are strengthening prevention, promoting harm reduction, expanding treatment, and supporting people in recovery, as well as reducing the supply of harmful substances in our communities. And we won’t let up,” said Biden in a written statement last month.

However, despite Biden’s pledge to reduce the supply of opioids in the U.S., Portman said that the Biden administration could work more closely with his office and others on Capitol Hill on the many bills they have prepared to make fentanyl illegal, by permanently scheduling the drug and its analogues as a Schedule I substance. The senator said the administration keeps kicking the permanent scheduling down the road, which makes it harder for law enforcement to do their jobs.  The temporary scheduling of all fentanyl-related substances, which was a policy enacted under the Trump administration, expires on Jan. 28, 2022.

