Senate Vote Will Highlight Bipartisan Opposition to Biden’s Overreaching Federal Vaccine Mandate

Source: United States Senator for South Dakota John Thune

U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today spoke out against President Biden’s overbearing federal vaccine mandate on American workers and businesses. Thune stressed that this mandate is not the proper role of the federal government and that there will be a bipartisan Senate vote to overturn the mandate later today.
Thune’s remarks below:
“I think sometimes, you know, issues come into clear view that really illustrate the choice between big government and individual freedom. And this issue probably does that better than anything. 
“Now, when Democrats gain power, which they have now in Washington, D.C., they have the whole of government, they have the House, the Senate, and the White House, what typically happens is they want to grow and expand government, the reach of government into people’s lives. We’ve seen that, it’s evidenced in the reckless tax-and-spending spree bill that we’re talking about, they’re talking about, right now. It’s evidenced in their attempt to take over elections in this country from states. 
“It is this inertia that the Democrats have when they gain power to try and grow and expand government. And in this particular case, they really have gone too far.
“And I say that as somebody who, like some of my colleagues, is pro-vaccine. I’ve been vaccinated, I encourage people to get vaccinated, but I don’t believe that that’s something that the federal government can mandate for businesses around this country. And we’re going to have an opportunity on the floor of the United States [Senate] to overturn this mandate and to express our support for American businesses and American workers. 
“Because in the end, you’ve heard this, and I’ve heard it. I’ve seen it my state, I’ve talked to constituents who have are dealing with this on a daily basis. They are extremely concerned about the impact this will have on an already stretched and strapped workforce around this country.
“This is not something that the federal government should be interfering with when it comes to the choices made by the American people. The courts have already ruled and continue to rule, they continue to overturn this mandate. But that has not deterred or stopped the Democrats from, you know, proceeding headlong to try and impose this onerous, heavy-handed mandate on businesses and workers across this country.” 
“So every Democrat is going to get a chance to go on the record when we have this vote. And we will have Republicans and Democrats in support of the fundamental choice that is going to be before us, and frankly, before the American people. And that is whether you want more bigger, intrusive, heavy-handed government in your lives or whether you want to preserve what has distinguished and differentiated and made this country different and unique and special since its inception, and that is our belief in individual freedom.”