Inhofe Champions Conservative Values in Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Inhofe

After the leaders of the Senate and House Armed Services Committee announced a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released his top successes from this year’s legislation. 

“I’m proud to have worked with my colleagues to produce a bipartisan, bicameral National Defense Authorization Act – continuing Congress’ track record of support for our troops and national security for the 61st year,” Inhofe said. “In any year, this bill’s path to enactment requires bipartisan support, and this year is no different. Yet, there is much in this bill for conservatives, Oklahomans and all Americans to celebrate as we make our country more secure and take care of the men and women who bravely serve our nation.

“All along, I’ve fought to keep the ‘women in the draft’ provision out of the bill — ensuring that it was not included in the original draft of the bill and demanding a roll-call vote on it when it was offered as an amendment in markup. I was the first to offer an amendment to strip the provision on the Senate floor. As the senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, I’m proud to have successfully removed this provision from the final agreement, because plain and simple, we shouldn’t be forcing our daughters and granddaughters to register for the Selective Service.”


1. Boosts defense funding by $25 billion.

– The NDAA increases authorized defense funding by $25 billion above President Biden’s woefully inadequate budget request.

– This includes a $3.5 billion, or 35 percent, increase for military construction across the country and a $4.7 billion, or 20 percent, increase for shipbuilding, including five additional battle force ships.

2. Takes care of our troops.
– The NDAA authorizes funding to support a 2.7 percent pay raise for both military service members and the Department of Defense civilian workforce.

– The NDAA improves military health care, housing and leave policy.

– The NDAA also supports military families, including ensuring that military spouses have access to meaningful employment when they move around the country.

3. Removes controversial women in draft provision.

– Thanks to Senator Inhofe’s leadership, the final agreement does not include a provision that would have forced America’s daughters and granddaughters to register for the Selective Service.

4. Stays tough on China.

 The NDAA directs much-needed resources to the Indo-Pacific and reorients the Pacific Deterrence Initiative toward making real improvements to U.S. force posture in the Indo-Pacific to deter and, if necessary, defeat Chinese aggression.

– The NDAA also supports key allies in the region, including Taiwan.

5. Stays tough on Russia.

– The NDAA provides key support to Ukraine in the face of a possible Russian invasion by increasing funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative by $50 million above President Biden’s request, authorizing a total of $300 million for this purpose and guaranteeing $75 million for lethal assistance that will send a strong signal to Putin.

– The agreement supports other key alliances in the region, like NATO.

6. Prioritizes nuclear modernization.

– The NDAA includes strong bipartisan support for our nuclear deterrent, the cornerstone of our national security.

– The legislation authorizes full funding for Department of Defense and National Nuclear Security Administration nuclear modernization programs, which our military commanders have called their “top priority.

– The agreement solidifies support for intercontinental ballistic missiles and the ground-based strategic deterrent program.

7. Maintains U.S. military supremacy.

– The NDAA keeps the Department of Defense focused on its primary mission: national defense.

– The agreement ensures our military has the equipment, training, weapons and resources needed to defend our country.

– The NDAA provides new authorities to accelerate the military’s acquisition and adoption of advanced capabilities.

– The agreement includes provisions to harden the defense industrial base and supply chain against Chinese and Russian involvement.

– The NDAA creates a whole-of-government public-private partnership to detect and disrupt our adversaries’ cyber operations.

8. Pushes back on progressive provisions added to the NDAA.

– The agreement rejects progressives’ attempts to paint service members as extremists, to use the NDAA to further their efforts for DC statehood, and to advance progressives’ social agenda.

– The agreement prohibits service members from being dishonorably discharged for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

9. Stands for conservative values.

 The agreement protects the sanctity of life, Second Amendment rights, and long-standing provisions that keep Guantanamo Bay terrorist detainees off American soil.

10. Looks out for Oklahoma.

 Sen. Inhofe ensures that the FY22 NDAA maintains the missions at each of Oklahoma’s five military installations, as well as ensures the bases and the surrounding communities are fully resourced.

– The legislation invests in Oklahoma’s future by promoting partnerships between universities (including OU, OSU and the University of Tulsa), industry partners and the Department of Defense.

For the Senate Armed Services Committee’s full summary of the NDAA, please click here