VIDEO: Capito Joins Bloomberg TV to Discuss Biden’s Inflation Crisis, Vaccine Mandate, Reckless Spending Bill

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today joined Bloomberg TV to discuss the latest on President Biden’s inflation crisis, her efforts to challenge the administration’s private sector vaccine mandate, and the harmful provisions in the Democrats’ $5 trillion reckless tax-and-spending legislation.


ON INFLATION IMPACT UNDER PRESIDENT BIDEN: “Our constituents are very concerned when they see prices at the gas pump going up by over $1 a gallon. It’s starting to get cold, people are going to see their heating bills they anticipate to go up over 50%. I mean, that really hits West Virginians and all Americans right in the pocketbook. And when you go to the grocery store, you see the price of milk and other commodities going up. It’s just, I think, very, very, very worrisome, particularly to those folks on fixed incomes, or for those who are really sort of at the lower end that struggle every month to meet those obligations.”

ON MULTIPLE ECONOMIC CRISES FACING THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION: “We are holding back our energy resources, the Biden administration is. We’ve got a supply chain crisis, which is raising the prices and also postponing the delivery of many, many goods and projects. Even these infrastructure projects are going to have trouble getting off the ground if they can’t get the equipment to do the work. I’ve heard that as recently as last night that that’s a real issue.”

ON BIDEN’S VACCINE MANDATE: “The point is that’s trying to be made is that we disagree with the president’s vaccine mandate…but we’re going to have an opportunity next week to talk about that…that’s what we’re going to be doing next week. We’re going to be saying that the president’s mandate doesn’t stand. We have 50 Republicans who have already joined in this effort. We just need one more vote. And we think that there are folks on the other side of the aisle who are hearing from their constituents that the vaccine mandate is considered unlawful, unproductive, and really economically harmful. We want people to get vaxxed, no doubt about it, but these mandates are, I think, proven to be problematic all across the country.”

ON DEMOCRATS’ PROPOSAL TO EXPAND THE IRS: “I was the appropriator for the IRS for several years. Here’s where I think we can make improvements to the IRS that are much needed: they are operating on a very antiquated IT system. Let’s up their IT. We do not need to have another tens of thousands of IRS agents looking into people who spend $600 or more in their bank account in order to get tax compliance. If you see the analysis of who that’s going to hit and in what amounts, it doesn’t go to where to these enormous amounts of money that the Democrats seem to think they’re going to generate from this. I’ve never thought those numbers were correct. I think we can improve IRS oversight by improving their IT, but I don’t believe that we need to put more agents on the street to really harass small business owners and our taxpayers.”

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