Senator Markey Votes to Set Up Full Senate Consideration of Suffolk DA Rachael Rollins as U.S. Attorney for District of Massachusetts

Source: United States Senator for Massachusetts Ed Markey


Washington (December 2, 2021) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) voted today to discharge from committee Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins’s confirmation to serve as the next U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. In July, President Joe Biden announced the nomination of DA Rachael Rollins after Senators Markey and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) recommended her as their candidate for the U.S. Attorney role. 


This afternoon, Senator Markey delivered remarks on the floor of the Senate in support of her nomination. Below are excerpts from his remarks.  

“Most of what we have heard from my Republican colleagues – in the committee hearing and out here on the floor – is simply untrue. Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins is a strong Black woman committed to racial justice, with a better record on crime than other old-school prosecutors, and it just plain scares them.”

“Rachael Rollins is not soft on crime; she is smart on crime. Yes, District Attorney Rollins is a progressive prosecutor. But more importantly, she is an effective prosecutor. Her extensive law enforcement credentials and proven track record of reducing crime and supporting victims is clear and undeniable. She is the right candidate for U.S. Attorney in Massachusetts, and Senator Warren and I are deeply proud to recommend her.” 

“Despite the Republican effort to politicize her nomination and mischaracterize her record, I am confident she will be confirmed as our next U.S. Attorney. I urge all my colleagues to vote yes on this discharge motion and to support confirmation of Rachael Rollins as the next U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts.”


Previously, dozens of Republican, Democrat, and nonpartisan law enforcement officials, community advocates, service providers, and members of the legal community sent letters to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Ranking Member Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) expressing their unequivocal support of DA Rollins.

