Ernst Seeks to Put a Stop to Biden’s Plan to Cut $450,000 Checks for Illegal Immigrants on the Taxpayer’s Dime

Source: United States Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)

WASHINGTON—As President Biden and the Democrats’ immigration and border crisis continue to deteriorate from their own disastrous policies and missteps, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is backing an effort to block Biden’s outrageous plan to cut checks of up to $450,000 to illegal immigrants, all on the American taxpayer’s dime.
The Protect American Taxpayer Dollars from Illegal Immigration Act would prohibit any federal funds from being used to pay settlements for illegal immigrants.
“Under President Biden and the Democrats’ disastrous policies, we have seen a historic crisis at our border and an immigration system pushed to its limits. Now, Biden wants to cut taxpayer-funded checks of $450,000 to illegal immigrants—while hardworking Iowans face rising costs on everything from groceries to heating bills under the Democrats’ reckless tax-and-spend policies,” said Senator Joni Ernst. “This might be news to the Biden Administration, but Iowans know that the solution to an open border is not to promise amnesty and benefits to illegal immigrants. We need to put a stop to Biden’s outrageous plan, secure our borders, and get our immigration system under control.”
Ernst has been sounding the alarm on Biden’s humanitarian and border crisis for months. The senator has backed additional efforts to block Biden’s taxpayer-funded settlements for illegal immigrants, noting that the $450,000 payments would be more than Gold Star families receive after their relative is killed in action.
With a record number of migrants encountered at the border over the last year, Ernst—a survivor of sexual assault and domestic violence—has also introduced a bipartisan measure called the BE GONE Act to deport immigrants who have been convicted of violent sex crimes or sexual assault. The commonsense legislation is gaining major support from lawmakers across Capitol Hill as well as immigration groups and experts.